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521 Construction of two ACR in favour of Chaknan Pallishree Sikshaniketan (H.S.) under Mouja – Chaknan on Plot No – 644, JL No – 47 of Dist-Purba Medinipur
TRN : 684457 |  Medinipur - West Bengal
Contract Value : 7.49 Lacs | Agency Name : District Magistrate
Tender award for infrastructure for mis and training related work of mgnrega
523 Electrical Installation work for newly renovated X-ray Room and Console Room at Kharagpur SDH, Paschim Medinipu.--- Electrical Installation Work.
524 Construction of Model Rural Police Station Building with Barrack and Canteen etc. at Chandipur Purba Medinipur. (1st call)
TRN : 685902 |  Medinipur - West Bengal
Contract Value : 3.60 Crore | Agency Name : West Bengal State Police Housing Corporation Limited
Tender award for construction of model rural police station building with barrack and canteen etc. at chandipur purba medinipur. (1st call)
525 Maintenance to Chandrakona-Ghatal Road (SH-4) at 7.00 kmp., 10.00 kmp., 12.00 kmp. & 14.00 kmp. by repairing Potholes, patching potholes, 20mm Premixed Carpet & Seal Coat (Type-B) under Midnapur Division, P.W.D. in the district of Paschim Medinipur during the year 2019-20
526 Improvement of Road from Sirsha ICDS to Sajal Dhara at Bandipur-I G.P. under Chandrakona-II P.S. area in the District of Paschim Medinipur
527 Improvement of Road from Sirsha to Sirsha Pry School at Bandipur-I G.P. under Chandrakona-II P.S. area in the District of Paschim Medinipur
528 Surfacing work of Doulatpur Health Centre Road from 0.700 Km to 4.500 Km and Mazna Health Centre Road from 1.000 Km to 2.000 Km by repairing potholes, 20mm PC & SC (Type – B) under Contai Highway Sub – Division under Tamluk Highway Division in the District of Purba Medinipur during the year 2019 – 2020. [Ch. To: Non Plan]
529 Repair and Renovation of EI work at Contai Polytechnic under district of Purba Medinipur _EI work at Academic building.
TRN : 684421 |  Medinipur - West Bengal
Contract Value : 4.94 Lacs | Agency Name : Public Works Department
Tender award for repair and renovation of ei work at contai polytechnic under district of purba medinipur _ei work at academic building.
530 Repair and Renovation of EI work at Contai Polytechnic _ EI work at OLD boys hostel.
TRN : 684423 |  Medinipur - West Bengal
Contract Value : 6.64 Lacs | Agency Name : Public Works Department
Tender award for repair and renovation of ei work at contai polytechnic _ ei work at old boys hostel.

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