You have searched for midnapur-west-bengal- in Awarded Tender Result. Click on any tender to view further details.

501 Cement Concrete road From Houseof Gopal Dha to house of Gopal Mantri at Mouza - Kuapur, Jl no-242 , Plot no-315-423 with in Kuapur Gram Panchayat.under Chandrakona ii Panchayat samity ..source of Fund -MGNREGA & 14 th cfc
502 Construction of Bituminous road from NH-6 Dakshin Dhekia to Ookra road under kharagpur-II P.S. In the district of Paschim Medinipur (PUAD)
503 Construction of Concrete road from Mandal Para SSK to house of Srijib Panda
TRN : 580323 |  Midnapur - West Bengal
Contract Value : 12.99 Lacs | Agency Name : Zilla Parishad
Tender award for construction of concrete road from mandal para ssk to house of srijib panda
504 WBPASMID/Mano-I/NIT-10/2018-19
TRN : 582039 |  Midnapur - West Bengal
Contract Value : 4.96 Lacs | Agency Name : Zilla Parishad
Tender award for wbpasmid/mano-i/nit-10/2018-19
505 Construction of A.C.R.Building at Bhikubarh, J.L.No.207, Plot No.281,G.P.7 under Dantan-I Panchayet Samity, Paschim Medinipur
506 Improvement of road from Banbarsati to Md Akram Ali house within Satyapur GP of Debra Panchayat Samity area in the District of Paschim Medinipur
507 Improvement of road from Jhotia Bus Stand to Jhotia Primary School within Arjuni GP of Kharagpur -I Panchayat Samity area in the District of Paschim Medinipur.
508 Improvement of road from Pijush Maity s Land towards Talda Purba Bituminous Road via Kalyanpur within dantan-II Panchayat Samity area
509 Maintenance and Repair to Shyamalpur Demouli Road from 10.00kmp to 12.54km
TRN : 588181 |  Midnapur - West Bengal
Contract Value : 19.82 Lacs | Agency Name : Public Works Department
Tender award for maintenance and repair to shyamalpur demouli road from 10.00kmp to 12.54km
510 Maintenance and repair of Garhbeta Chandrakona Town via Raskundu Road from 10km to 11km, 12km to 13km, 15km to 16km and 17km to 18km in stretches

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