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591 WB/PM/CHP/JAL/NIT_21/2018-19
TRN : 584104 |  Midnapur - West Bengal
Contract Value : 9.99 Lacs | Agency Name : Zilla Parishad
Tender award for wb/pm/chp/jal/nit_21/2018-19
592 Supply of materials for construction of Concrete road from Rashbihari Laga's house to Phani Bhusan Laga's house at Kamargeria of Manoharpur I G P under Chandrakona I Dev Block
593 Construction of Additional Class Room of Mollarpur CLRC(CWSN) under Mayureswar-I
TRN : 583443 |  Midnapur - West Bengal
Contract Value : 2.88 Lacs | Agency Name : Zilla Parishad
Tender award for construction of additional class room of mollarpur clrc(cwsn) under mayureswar-i
594 Supply of materials for construction of Concrete road from Ali Hossain's house to Masjid at Kamargeria of Manoharpur I G P under Chandrakona I Dev Block
595 "Name of Work: Construction of Plain Cement Concreate Road with Bats,Sand,Moorum etc. With Concreate Road From Bidut sahoo house to Ganesh pradhan house at purbabirampur "
596 Supply of materials for construction of Concrete road from Main road to Ramkrishna Mandal's house at Fulchak of Manoharpur I G P under Chandrakona I Dev Block
597 Construction of Additional Class Room of Bisia Junior High School under Mayureswar-I
TRN : 583447 |  Midnapur - West Bengal
Contract Value : 2.88 Lacs | Agency Name : Zilla Parishad
Tender award for construction of additional class room of bisia junior high school under mayureswar-i
598 Supply of materials for construction of Concrete road from Baharampur Lutharian Bundh to Kath pole Mouza Paikpara of Manoharpur I G P under Chandrakona I Dev Block
599 "Name of Work: Construction of Plain Cement Concreate Road with Bats,Sand,Moorumetc. from Majnaberia chore taha bath gach to paran ghat part 2 at Majnaberia "
600 Supply of materials for construction of Concrete road from PMGSY road to house of Surya Kanta Dolai at Paikpara of Manoharpur I G P under Chandrakona I Dev Block

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