1106Annual Rate Contract for Civil and Public health Engineering Maintenance Works for GAS BASED PLANTS and WATER BASED PLANTS (Amm-I, Amm-V, SGP, Methanol, ETP, STP & RWP) inside RCF Trombay Factory for the year 2019-20.
IMP Note : This tender is part of the Annual Rate Contracts for RCF Factory where the factory ARC job is divided in four groups for which four separate tenders (F-34/061, F-35/062, F-36/063, F-37/064) are being called. Any contractor can quote for all groups or as per group of his choice. The contractor who is L1 after E reverse auction for this tender will be awarded this work. This successful contractor will be eliminated (for remaining group) and shall not be allowed to participate in the E-reverse auction for subsequent tenders
Note for BOQ :- (1) Basic Rate of BMC FMSR 2018 Schedule will be calculated by deducting 9 % CGST& 9 % SGST under
Composition, i.e. if FMSR is Rs. 100 then Basic Rate will be Rs. 84.74.
(2) Basic Rate for Item No. 2 will be the actual rates (min. wages) mentioned in BOQ against Item No. 2.
(3) Basic Rate for Item No. 3 will be calculated by deducting taxes mentioned in the bill vouchers, i.e. if bill voucher is of Rs. 100
including ‘X’ % GST, then Basic Amount will be Rs. (100 – ‘X’).
Contractor to quote %, below/above in figures and words in blank column separately for each item i.e. Item No. 1, 2 and 3 i.e. for completed item, Labour item and item of material for market including all taxes.( BMC schedule of rates is inclusive of all Taxes .The same shall be applicable for this contract.). Quoted Rates shall be exclusive of all taxes.
Mumbai - Maharashtra
Contract Value :
74.36 Lacs |Agency Name :
Rashtriya Chemicals And Fertilizers Limited