1414Repair to hard standing fencing joinery rolling shutters collapsible gates and railing in NAD Jetty NCB and 2W Det under AGE B R I in GE Gomantak Vasco
Mumbai - Maharashtra
Contract Value :
14.92 Lacs |Agency Name :
Military Engineer Services
1416Repair Replacement of External Water Supply CI GI pipe line valves and connected items Sewage treatment plant pipe line and Fire Fighting pipe line at HQ GNA GMK INHS JVT NIH COMCEN 2W Det NCB MO Goa and NAD under GE Gomantak Vasco
Mumbai - Maharashtra
Contract Value :
35.00 Lacs |Agency Name :
Military Engineer Services
1418Provding and fixing of Paver block at CBD Belapur Circle and Kharghar Junction panvel Bound RHS on Sion Pavel State Highway at ch. 124/050 , 121/020
Mumbai - Maharashtra
Contract Value :
8.83 Lacs |Agency Name :
Public Works Department