2913Supply of 1143.800 MT of OLOA 59211 ST 1660 and 612.500 MT of Paratone 8059 ST 6102 OR 1024.095 MT of LZ CV 2301 and 641.410 MT of LZ 7077 ST 6038 OR 1062.360 MT of HiTEC 8744X ST 1688 479.060 MT of HiTEC 5748 ST 6017 and 191.930 MT of HiTEC 577
Mumbai - Maharashtra
Contract Value :
34.73 Crore |Agency Name :
Indian Oil Corporation Limited
2915MKMSS work for Construction of 12 seated Toilet Block and 3 Urinal at Wazir Glass Compound, Beside Gundavali Municipal Chowki, Western Express Highway, Andheri (E) (166-Andheri (E) Constituency)
Mumbai - Maharashtra
Contract Value :
15.44 Lacs |Agency Name :
Maharashtra Housing And Area Development Authority
2918MOW to Structural Repair of Police Constable Qtrs Bldg No. C (Ground Floor and 1st Floor Part-I and II) and Bldg No. A, B and C at (Surrounding Premises, Terrace Part-1 and 2, Terrace and Surrounding Premises )
Mumbai - Maharashtra
Contract Value :
91.06 Lacs |Agency Name :
Public Works Department