You have searched for mumbai-maharashtra- in Awarded Tender Result. Click on any tender to view further details.

291 Tender No. E-4126/HBPCL/PC/ Digital Physiograph/2021-22
TRN : 856323 |  Mumbai - Maharashtra
Contract Value : 33.43 Lacs | Agency Name : Haffkine Bio Pharmaceutical Corporation Limited
Tender award for tender no. e-4126/hbpcl/pc/ digital physiograph/2021-22
292 Tender No. E-4125/HBPCL/PC/ Student physiography (single channel) with accessories /2021-22
TRN : 856324 |  Mumbai - Maharashtra
Contract Value : 47.52 Lacs | Agency Name : Haffkine Bio Pharmaceutical Corporation Limited
Tender award for tender no. e-4125/hbpcl/pc/ student physiography (single channel) with accessories /2021-22
293 Tender No. E-4124/HBPCL/PC/ Multi Channel Physiography, 3 Channels, Complete with accessories /2021-22
TRN : 856325 |  Mumbai - Maharashtra
Contract Value : 56.44 Lacs | Agency Name : Haffkine Bio Pharmaceutical Corporation Limited
Tender award for tender no. e-4124/hbpcl/pc/ multi channel physiography, 3 channels, complete with accessories /2021-22
294 Tender No. E-4122/HBPCL/PC/ Gas Analyser automatic for CO2, O2, N2 /2021-22
TRN : 856326 |  Mumbai - Maharashtra
Contract Value : 1.04 Crore | Agency Name : Haffkine Bio Pharmaceutical Corporation Limited
Tender award for tender no. e-4122/hbpcl/pc/ gas analyser automatic for co2, o2, n2 /2021-22
295 Tender No.E-3972/HBPCL/PC/Surgical Diathermy (Electro cautery)/2021-22.
TRN : 856327 |  Mumbai - Maharashtra
Contract Value : 3.20 Lacs | Agency Name : Haffkine Bio Pharmaceutical Corporation Limited
Tender award for tender no.e-3972/hbpcl/pc/surgical diathermy (electro cautery)/2021-22.
296 Special Repair to Sawantwadi Otavane sarambal Bhalaval Tamboli Asniye Zolambe Talkat Ugade Road MDR 66 Km 0/00 to 32/400 Tal Sawantwadi Dist Ratnagiri
297 Special Repair to Zarap AkeriSawantwadi Banda Dodamarg Matane Ayee Road SH-186 Km 32/300 to 42/500 Tal Dodamarg Dist Sindhudurg
298 Special Repair to Zarap AkeriSawantwadi Banda Dodamarg Matane Ayee Road SH-186 Km 19/100 to 32/300 Tal Dodamarg Dist Sindhudurg
299 Renewal To Block Topped surface Of Kanedi Sangave Kupavase Dhavadaki Danoli Otawane Vilawade Road SH 190 KM 50/00 to 53/00 Tal Kudal
300 FDR 2020-21-Improvement to S.T. Depo Parnaka Arnala Ambadi Padgha Kalyan Shil Mohape Road S.H. 81 Km. 35/500 to 37/00, 44/300 to 46/500 and 48/500 to 50/800 Taluka-Bhiwandi District- Thane

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