4292Supplying Furniture, Renewing Flush door and alluminium Sliding window. Replastering Varandha wall and Ceilling , Repairs to sanitary and water supply fitting, Renewing rusted pipe line and sanitary fitting, Engaging Labour for cleaning, Providing a
Mumbai - Maharashtra
Contract Value :
57.12 Lacs |Agency Name :
Public Works Department
4294Renovation of MLA Room Passage Flooring, False Ceiling, Repainting and Polishing MLA Room like Flooring, Dado, False Ceiling and Painting in Canteen External Plastering and Painting to Vistarit Amdar Niwas, Mumbai.
Mumbai - Maharashtra
Contract Value :
53.98 Lacs |Agency Name :
Rural Development Department
4297Replastering at Gr. floor and First floor, Renewing Precoated sheet on Roof Tiles flooring in varandha and passage on Gr. floor and first floor, Improvement of Drainage system and Sanitary fitting at Police Mukhyalaya Building, Mumbai.
Mumbai - Maharashtra
Contract Value :
27.33 Lacs |Agency Name :
Public Works Department