You have searched for murshidabad-west-bengal- in Awarded Tender Result. Click on any tender to view further details.

5931 Up-gradation of Charkakmari Health sub-center under Jalangi Dev. Block. (Construction of Boundary Wall and Cement conc. Road at Charkakmari HSC under Jalangi Development Block), BADP(18-19). "
5932 Construction of Concrete road from SahidSk house towards SarulSk house at village Surkhali
TRN : 850591 |  Murshidabad - West Bengal
Contract Value : 1.40 Lacs | Agency Name : Zilla Parishad
Tender award for construction of concrete road from sahidsk house towards sarulsk house at village surkhali
5933 Construction of Culvert Shrighatatinmathamore at villgesundarpur under sadal GP
TRN : 850592 |  Murshidabad - West Bengal
Contract Value : 1.64 Lacs | Agency Name : Zilla Parishad
Tender award for construction of culvert shrighatatinmathamore at villgesundarpur under sadal gp
5934 Proposed construction of Safe Drinking Water treatment plant to the land of Kasem Mondal at Lalitpur village under Choa GP.
5935 Proposed construction of Safe Drinking Water treatment plant in front of Sahebnagar Primary school at Sahebnagar village under Choa GP.
5936 Construction of Cement Concrete road from the House of Meherban Master towards Ghosh Para I.C.D.S at Choa Ghoshpara village under Choa GP.
5937 Repair of road from the house of Chmotkar towards house of Aktar sk via house of Muktar Sk at Nazirpur Purbopara village under Choa GP.
5938 Colouring and Repairing of main building at Indrani Girls at Indrani under KHARGRAM DEV BLOCK
TRN : 552342 |  Murshidabad - West Bengal
Contract Value : 3.28 Lacs | Agency Name : Zilla Parishad
Tender award for colouring and repairing of main building at indrani girls at indrani under khargram dev block
5939 Water Water Supply Arrangement to the sources by Installation India Mark -II (100 mm X 40 mm ) Depth 65.60 Mtr. tubewell fitted with Arsenic Treatment Unit with 4 (Four) years O & M, different Three(3) places at Jalangi GP under Jalangi Development Block, Jalangi , Murshidabad ,MSDP(2018-19). "
5940 Special Repair and Renovation of Electrical Installation work at the office of the District Register in the district of Murshidabad.

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