985Solar light Installation at G.P Road starts from the house of Laila Bibi to the Dihir School at Moktarpur-IV Sansad , Paharpur G.P, Raninagar-I Dev. Block, District- Murshidabad, PIN-742302, W.B, Fund : 14th C.F.C OF 2019-20, A.A.P No. : 186 of 2019-20, Activity ID : 14500224
Murshidabad - West Bengal
Contract Value :
1.72 Lacs |Agency Name :
Zilla Parishad
986Improvement of road by concrete layer from the house of Julfat to the house of Rejaul At Ajmotpur Gram Sansad."" Sansad No. XII, Under Paharpur G.P, Raninagar - I Block, Msd, A.A.P No. 220/19-20, Source of Fund - 14th C.F.C, F.Y 2019-20; Activity ID : 14500213
Murshidabad - West Bengal
Contract Value :
2.42 Lacs |Agency Name :
Zilla Parishad
990Supply of Material for Construction of Earthen stadium at the field of Balarampore uttar GSFP School at balarampore uttar sansad under Haridasmati GP Sansad No XI
Murshidabad - West Bengal
Contract Value :
14.77 Lacs |Agency Name :
Zilla Parishad