52Shifting of 11Kv line and LT line from Main Road of Chandahandi to Malgam due to widening road under Chandahandi Block Such as Umerkote-Chandahnadi-Malgam Road from 39.500 Km to 63.500 Km
Nabarangpur - Orissa
Contract Value :
34.96 Lacs |Agency Name :
Road And Building Department
53tender for Kosagumuda-MP Border Via Motigam, Kotagam Road (Such as Renewal Coat with SDBC and WMM to the Dip Patches and Edge Correction) from 20/800 Km to 25/00 Km
Nabarangpur - Orissa
Contract Value :
36.57 Lacs |Agency Name :
Road And Building Department
58Umerkote-Raighar-Kundei-Likma Road (SH-40) Such as Wearing Coat at Mahubhata Bridge at Ch. 25/300 Km., Extension of HPC NP4 1000 Dia 4 Row at Ch. 23/500 Km and 3 Row at Ch. 32/500 Km
Nabarangpur - Orissa
Contract Value :
21.88 Lacs |Agency Name :
Road And Building Department
60special repair to Papadahandi-Kodinga-Kosagumuda Road Such as Renewal Coat with SDBC and Pothole Repair from 1.00 Km to 32.200 Km Guard wall to the high embankment in in between 1.00 Km to 2.00 Km in the District of Nabarangpur for the year 2019-20
Nabarangpur - Orissa
Contract Value :
49.69 Lacs |Agency Name :
Road And Building Department