You have searched for nadia-west-bengal- in Awarded Tender Result. Click on any tender to view further details.

1091 Repairing work of Karimpur - Natidanga - Nazirpur road from 19.00 Kmp to 21.30 Kmp (in stretches) under Nadia Division, P.W.D. during the year 2017 - 2018 (Sl. 01)
1092 Providing R. C. C. Crash Barrier in place of existing R. C. Hand rail for Major and Minor Bridge of (a) Krishnagar - Karimpur - Jalangi Road (S.H.-11) from 66.00 Kmp to 92.00 Kmp, of (b) Mahisbathan – Murutia Road from 0.00 Kmp to 5.00 Kmp, of (c) Karimpur – Natidanga – Nazirpur Road from 0.00 Kmp to 21.00 Kmp, and of (d) Karimpur - Shikarpur Road from 0.00 Kmp to 12.00 Kmp under Nadia Division, P.W.D. during the year 2017 - 18 (3rd Call)
1093 Double storied Brick Masonry for marketing of the diversified products of Handloom weavers, within D.I.C. office campus in the District of Nadia, P.S.- Kotwali common facility centre under Nadia Division, P.W.D. during the year 2017 - 2018 (Sl. 01) (2nd Call)
1094 Special Repair to Palpara link road from level crossing to Palpara More by repairing pot-holes and thorough premix surfacing with seal coat under Nadia Division, P.W.D. during the year 2017-18 [Length: 775.00 Mtr.]
1095 Construction of 1 Number Additional Class Room (1st Floor) at Birpur Paschimpara Primary School under Nakashipara Panchayat Samity (MSDP Fund) in the District of Nadia.
1096 Addition, alteration and renovation of country sprit ware house converted to the office of the Joint Commissioner of excise office, Krishnagar excise division at Nadia Collectorate compound under Nadia Division, P.W.D. during the year 2017 - 2018 (Construction of 1st floor only on existing ware house) (Sl. 5)
1097 Special Repair to type- V, Block- 'A' Building of SAP, 9th Bn. at Sandhya, Krishnagar, Nadia (Residential) during the year 2017 - 18 (Sl. 03) (2nd Call)

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