144Drivage of X measure stone drift from 56Rise 18Level to 53 Rise 18Level in seam II sector B and vertical strata bunker between 54 Rise and 53 Rise 18 Level for storage of coal of proposed depillaring Panel E 9 at Silewara Colliery of Nagpur Area
Nagpur - Maharashtra
Contract Value :
10.15 Lacs |Agency Name :
Eastern Coal Fields Ltd.
146Rate contract on per truck load basis, for transportation of MECL STORES/MATERIALS from GM (Store and Disposal), MECL, G-16, M.I.D.C Area., HINGNA, NAGPUR- 28, Phone- 07104- 234837 to Karnataka state for A period of 03 Months.
Nagpur - Maharashtra
Contract Value :
2.51 Lacs |Agency Name :
Ministry Of Mines