You have searched for nagpur-maharashtra- in Awarded Tender Result. Click on any tender to view further details.

3321 Procurement of Leather Safety shoes
TRN : 534124 |  Nagpur - Maharashtra
Contract Value : 2.50 Lacs | Agency Name : Western Coalfields Limited
Tender award for procurement of leather safety shoes
3322 Renovation of 11KV capacitor bunkshed and making of 33 KV over-headline AB switch foundation and repairing of 33 KV substation building at Saoner Sub Area
3323 Loading and transportation of crushed coal from CHP Umrer OCM to Wharfwall no. 2 Siding platform no. 2 of Umrer.
TRN : 533407 |  Nagpur - Maharashtra
Contract Value : 1.46 Crore | Agency Name : Western Coalfields Limited
Tender award for loading and transportation of crushed coal from chp umrer ocm to wharfwall no. 2 siding platform no. 2 of umrer.
3324 Distribution of drinking water and cleaning of individual overhead tanks of Residential Qtrs. welfare building and service building at BTS of Wani North Area.(Re-tender
3325 Annual cleaning of septic tank inspection chambers sewer line etc. at various colonies of Rajur under Ghonsa Sub Area.(2nd call)
3326 Spraying of water dust suppression over the road surface from CHP to NH-7 junction point via pandan road under Kamptee Sub Area
3327 Assistance in day to day cleaning and maintenance of RC office, Rest shelter, Containers, Excavation shed, Urinals etc at Penganga OCP of Wani Area.
3328 Housekeeping and maintenance of Walni Hospital under Silewara Sub Area
TRN : 532824 |  Nagpur - Maharashtra
Contract Value : 6.87 Lacs | Agency Name : Western Coalfields Limited
Tender award for housekeeping and maintenance of walni hospital under silewara sub area
3329 Repair and heightening of diesel tank safety wall including miscellanious works at Ukni OCM of Ukni-Junad Sub Area.
TRN : 532825 |  Nagpur - Maharashtra
Contract Value : 3.91 Lacs | Agency Name : Western Coalfields Limited
Tender award for repair and heightening of diesel tank safety wall including miscellanious works at ukni ocm of ukni-junad sub area.
3330 Instalation of stand by main mechanical ventilation fan with to increase ventilation of mine diversion of drift at Bhandewada Incline, under Ghonsa Sub Area of Wani North Area

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