You have searched for nagpur-maharashtra- in Awarded Tender Result. Click on any tender to view further details.

561 Supply Of Construction/water Supply Material At Gp Junewani Ta Hingna Di Nagpur
TRN : 833831 |  Nagpur - Maharashtra
Contract Value : 94.1 Thousand | Agency Name : Village Panchayat
Tender award for supply of construction/water supply material at gp junewani ta hingna di nagpur
562 beautification work at shivaji ward near shitla mata mandir in m c ramtek
TRN : 834142 |  Nagpur - Maharashtra
Contract Value : 2.94 Lacs | Agency Name : Municipal Council
Tender award for beautification work at shivaji ward near shitla mata mandir in m c ramtek
TRN : 833862 |  Nagpur - Maharashtra
Contract Value : 7.38 Lacs | Agency Name : Forest Department
Tender award for construction of m n b at bhilaj tq jintur
564 Construction of burning shed for mokshdham of ambala and gahutalao at M C ramtek
TRN : 834143 |  Nagpur - Maharashtra
Contract Value : 11.70 Lacs | Agency Name : Municipal Council
Tender award for construction of burning shed for mokshdham of ambala and gahutalao at m c ramtek
565 The Work of Scientific Dumpsite Land Reclamation through Bio-mining, Resource Recovery and Scientific Rejects Disposal, Ramtek” at Municipal Council Ramtek.
566 Contruction of paving block from milind shahare to vishnu nanhe and 1 other in prabhag no 3 at m c ramtek
TRN : 834144 |  Nagpur - Maharashtra
Contract Value : 3.95 Lacs | Agency Name : Municipal Council
Tender award for contruction of paving block from milind shahare to vishnu nanhe and 1 other in prabhag no 3 at m c ramtek
567 Construction of 300 mm qcc pipe drain at various places in m c ramtek
TRN : 834048 |  Nagpur - Maharashtra
Contract Value : 10.91 Lacs | Agency Name : Municipal Council
Tender award for construction of 300 mm qcc pipe drain at various places in m c ramtek
568 Construction of CC Drainfrom h/o govinda chakole h/o naukarkar, CC Pipe drain from h/o choukesey to h/o to radheshyam mahajan to nallah in Raadhakrishnan ward i prabhag no. 5 M C Ramtek
569 Construction of CC Drain from h/o gajbhiye to varun kanodiya and 5 other works at tilak ward prabhag no 7 at m c ramtek
570 Construction of paving block from 1)H/o Khode to H/o Shankar Nagpure 2) from Kanoje to Shahu 3)shama makde to sangh building 4)Shyamraoji Makde to Rajaramji Makde 5)Ganesh Pan mandir to salve at shastri ward at prabhag no 4 at m c ramtek

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