You have searched for nalbari-assam- in Awarded Tender Result. Click on any tender to view further details.

51 Improvement of Kuriha-Sungarbori Road for Barkhetri LACunder SOPD (G) for 2018-19
TRN : 591638 |  Nalbari - Assam
Contract Value : 78.75 Lacs | Agency Name : Public Works Department
Tender award for improvement of kuriha-sungarbori road for barkhetri lacunder sopd (g) for 2018-19
52 Improvement of Ratanpur to Kazipara Road under SOPD (G) for 2018-19
TRN : 591608 |  Nalbari - Assam
Contract Value : 67.89 Lacs | Agency Name : Public Works Department
Tender award for improvement of ratanpur to kazipara road under sopd (g) for 2018-19
53 Construction of ICBP road of Tea Garden area from R.D. Road to Menoka Tea Estate from Baparam Dutta Road to Madhupur PMGSY Road to Madhupur TE under SOPD (ODS) for the year 2018-19
54 Conversion of 1Phase electricity to 3 Phase in Nalbari District Gr-E 11 Nos
TRN : 521679 |  Nalbari - Assam
Contract Value : 37.10 Lacs | Agency Name : Department Of Health Services
Tender award for conversion of 1phase electricity to 3 phase in nalbari district gr-e 11 nos
55 Improvement of Road from Nalbari Hajo Road at Malopara to Paschim Kamarkuchi (UC Baruah Road) (Ch. 0.00m to 1848.00m) under Nalbari Rural Road Division -Barkhetri LAC under S.O.P.D. (G) for 2017-18
56 Development of Pokhora Fish Seed Farm, Nalbari
TRN : 522086 |  Nalbari - Assam
Contract Value : 1.01 Crore | Agency Name : Department Of Fisheries
Tender award for development of pokhora fish seed farm, nalbari
57 Construction of Road from Khakharisal Bhatta Chowk to Gadira SC Supa link road (Ch. 1000.00m to 1735.00m & Ch. 0.00m to 320.00m)" under SCSP under Nalbari Rural Road Division in Dharmapur LAC during 2017-18
58 Construction of Road from Khakharisal Bhatta Chowk to Gadira SC Supa link road (Ch. 0.00m to 1000.00m)" under SCSP under Nalbari Rural Road Division in Dharmapur LAC during 2017-18

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