18Widening, Improvements and Improvements to Riding Quality to Government Roads including Reconstruction of Box Culvert, Widening of Pipe Culvert and Construction of Drain and Upkeeping for a period of 60 months in Tiruchengodu (H) C&M Sub Division (Package50)
The Following works are involved in this package
1. Widening from Two lane to Three Lane and Improvements of Komarapalayam-Pallipalayam-Jedarpalayam-Pandamangalam-Velur Road at km 18/7-
19/4. Including Reconstruction of Box culvert in lieu of Cutstone at km 19/4 and widening pipe culvert at km 18/8, 19/2(i), (ii) (SH 198). including
upkeeping for a period of 60 months (01-CRIDP-19-20-S-0414)
2. Widening from Two lane to Three Lane and Improvements of Komarapalayam-Pallipalayam-Jedarpalayam-Pandamangalam-Velur Road at km 19/4-
20/0. (SH 198). including upkeeping for a period of 60 months ( 01-CRIDP-19-20-S-0415 )
3. Widening from Two lane to Three Lane and Improvements of Komarapalayam-Pallipalayam-Jedarpalayam-Pandamangalam-Velur Road at km 20/0-
21/0 Including Widening of pipe culvert at km 20/2 (SH 198). including upkeeping for a period of 60 months (01-CRIDP-19-20-S-0412)
4. Improvements to Riding Quality at km 14/8-16/4 and 16/8-18/0 of Komarapalayam-Pallipalayam-Jedar palayam-Pandamangalam-Velur Road
(SH 198) including upkeeping for a period of 60 months (01-CRIDP-19-20-I-4559 )
5. Reconstruction of Boxculvert at km 16/2 of Komarapalayam - Pallipalayam - Jedarpalayam-Pandamangalam-Velur Road (SH 198)
6. Construction of Drain at km 12/0-12/750 (L/S & R/S) of Sankari- Pallipalayam Road (SH 79A) (01-CRIDP-19-20-S-0440)
Namakkal - Tamil Nadu
Contract Value :
5.49 Crore |Agency Name :
Highway Department
19Improvements to Government Roads, including Construction of Drain and up keeping for a period of 60 months in Tiruchengode (H) C&M Sub Division (Package-49)
The Following works are involved in this package
1. Improvements of Komarapalayam-Bhavani Road (Abonded NH 47) at km 0/0-1/2 (SH 22) including upkeeping for a period of 60 months. (01-CRIDP-19-20-S-0418)
2. Improvements of Komarapalayam-Bhavani Road (Abonded NH 47) at km 1/2-2/4 (SH 22) including upkeeping for a period of 60 months. (01-CRIDP-19-20-S-0419)
3. Construction of Drain at km 12/750-13/5 (L/S & R/S) of Sankari- Pallipalayam Road (SH 79A) (01-CRIDP-19-20-S-0441)
4. Construction of Drain at km 13/5-14/250 (L/S & R/S) of Sankari- Pallipalayam Road (SH 79A) (01-CRIDP-19-20-S-0442)
Namakkal - Tamil Nadu
Contract Value :
5.37 Crore |Agency Name :
Highway Department