You have searched for nanded-maharashtra- in Awarded Tender Result. Click on any tender to view further details.

21 Repairs to I.T.Singoda Tq Kinwat Dist Nanded
TRN : 860321 |  Nanded - Maharashtra
Contract Value : 19.17 Lacs | Agency Name : Rural Development Department
Tender award for repairs to i.t.singoda tq kinwat dist nanded
22 A) Repairs to Approch Road Babhulgaon Road Vr-44 Km. 0/00 to 2/00 Tq. Nanded B) Repairs to Punegaon Siddhnath Nagapur Road Vr-58 Km. 1/00 to 2/500 Tq. Nanded C) Repairs to Approch Road Gundegaon Road Vr-31 Km. 0/00 to 1/00 Tq. Nanded
23 Construction of Volley Ball Ground and Basket Ball Ground and Construction of Changing room at Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar NWCMC Primary School Ground in Prabhag No. 08 NWCMC Nanded Under SLASNVSY
24 Tanker Serivce
TRN : 857288 |  Nanded - Maharashtra
Contract Value : 25.00 Lacs | Agency Name : District Collector
Tender award for tanker serivce
25 Construction of Gate coloring and wire to compound wall at Karbala Kabristan Prabhag No. 14 C NWCMC Nanded
TRN : 856278 |  Nanded - Maharashtra
Contract Value : 6.34 Lacs | Agency Name : Municipal Corporation
Tender award for construction of gate coloring and wire to compound wall at karbala kabristan prabhag no. 14 c nwcmc nanded
26 Construction and maintenance of Hyderbag NWCMC School No. 12 NWCMC Nanded
TRN : 856279 |  Nanded - Maharashtra
Contract Value : 3.58 Lacs | Agency Name : Municipal Corporation
Tender award for construction and maintenance of hyderbag nwcmc school no. 12 nwcmc nanded
27 Construction and maintenance of compound wall for Karbala Kabristan in Prabhag No. 14 C NWCMC Nanded
TRN : 856280 |  Nanded - Maharashtra
Contract Value : 7.17 Lacs | Agency Name : Municipal Corporation
Tender award for construction and maintenance of compound wall for karbala kabristan in prabhag no. 14 c nwcmc nanded
28 Development of Basket Ball ground ang Supplying erecting street light pole with fitting at Basket Ball Ground at NWCMC School Vishnunagar Prabhag No. 9 (C) NWCMC Nanded Under Ward Vikas Nidhi
29 Construction of Paver block road from h/o Chintawar to h/o Kabra in Vinayak nagar and Rennovation of Cultural Hall at Shivnagar at Prabhag No. 10 (D) NWCMC Nanded Under Ward Vikas Nidhi
30 Repairs to MSH to Sawargaon Road vr-25 Km. 0/00 to 1/500 Tq. Ardhapur Dist. Nanded
TRN : 856300 |  Nanded - Maharashtra
Contract Value : 14.48 Lacs | Agency Name : Rural Development Department
Tender award for repairs to msh to sawargaon road vr-25 km. 0/00 to 1/500 tq. ardhapur dist. nanded

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