You have searched for nanded-maharashtra- in Awarded Tender Result. Click on any tender to view further details.

311 Construction Of Cement Concrete Road From House of Jilani Beg To Grampanchayat Karayala To H/O Baburao Kalne At Saregaon Village Tq. Mudkhed Dist. Nanded Under MLA FUND 2019-20.
312 Construction Of Compound Wall For Muslim Samshanbhumi At Sonkhed Village Tq. Loha Dist. Nanded Under 2515 OF 2018-19.
TRN : 774780 |  Nanded - Maharashtra
Contract Value : 4.23 Lacs | Agency Name : Public Works Department
Tender award for construction of compound wall for muslim samshanbhumi at sonkhed village tq. loha dist. nanded under 2515 of 2018-19.
313 Construction of Shed in premises of Markandeshwar Tempal at Markand Tq. and Dist. Nanded. Under 2515.
TRN : 774781 |  Nanded - Maharashtra
Contract Value : 4.23 Lacs | Agency Name : Public Works Department
Tender award for construction of shed in premises of markandeshwar tempal at markand tq. and dist. nanded. under 2515.
314 Construction of Paver Block and Seating Arrangement Near Tukaram Maharaj Mandir at Sonkhed Village Tq. and Dist. Nanded
TRN : 774782 |  Nanded - Maharashtra
Contract Value : 4.22 Lacs | Agency Name : Public Works Department
Tender award for construction of paver block and seating arrangement near tukaram maharaj mandir at sonkhed village tq. and dist. nanded
315 Re-development of Mahatma Phule Market site on Public Private Partnership (PPP) Basis
TRN : 774856 |  Nanded - Maharashtra
Contract Value : 13.05 Crore | Agency Name : Municipal Corporation
Tender award for re-development of mahatma phule market site on public private partnership (ppp) basis
316 Special Repairs to Zilla Parishad Primary School At. Andga Tq. Loha
TRN : 774189 |  Nanded - Maharashtra
Contract Value : 3.06 Lacs | Agency Name : Rural Development Department
Tender award for special repairs to zilla parishad primary school at. andga tq. loha
317 Construction Of Anganwadi Building At. Gavandgao ( D.) Tq. Loha
TRN : 774190 |  Nanded - Maharashtra
Contract Value : 7.42 Lacs | Agency Name : Rural Development Department
Tender award for construction of anganwadi building at. gavandgao ( d.) tq. loha
318 Repairs and Cons Of Compound Wall to Zilla Parishad High School Bachoti and Improv. Premises Tq. Kandhar
TRN : 774191 |  Nanded - Maharashtra
Contract Value : 5.80 Lacs | Agency Name : Rural Development Department
Tender award for repairs and cons of compound wall to zilla parishad high school bachoti and improv. premises tq. kandhar
319 Repairs to Zilla Parishad Storshed At. Katkalamba Tq. Kandhar
TRN : 774192 |  Nanded - Maharashtra
Contract Value : 21.19 Lacs | Agency Name : Rural Development Department
Tender award for repairs to zilla parishad storshed at. katkalamba tq. kandhar
320 Improvement to Barul Dharmapuri Road V.R.- 25 Km 0/00 to 3/00 Tq. Kandhar
TRN : 774193 |  Nanded - Maharashtra
Contract Value : 42.57 Lacs | Agency Name : Rural Development Department
Tender award for improvement to barul dharmapuri road v.r.- 25 km 0/00 to 3/00 tq. kandhar

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