You have searched for nanded-maharashtra- in Awarded Tender Result. Click on any tender to view further details.
551Construction of Cc road in front of Datta Mandir in Shivnagar Prabhag No. 09 NWCMC Nanded and Supplying installation of Point wiring for light, fan, bell at Prabhag No 10 infront of Dattamandir Sabhagraha NWCMC area Nanded
Nanded - Maharashtra
Contract Value :
3.30 Lacs |Agency Name :
Municipal Corporation
554Providing and installing structural tin shade shops for vegetable sellers of Tarodekar Market in front of an Ayurvedic College Footpath in NWCMC Nanded
Nanded - Maharashtra
Contract Value :
10.71 Lacs |Agency Name :
Municipal Corporation
555Providing and installing structural tin shade shops for vegetable sellers of Tarodekar Market in front of an Ayurvedic College Footpath in NWCMC Nanded
Nanded - Maharashtra
Contract Value :
10.71 Lacs |Agency Name :
Municipal Corporation
558Job Work f Dismantling old vertical Lift Gate 140 T. Cap. Host Assy. Hoist Bride and pylon structure and erection of New vertical Lift Gate Assy. 140 T. Cp. Hoist assy. Hoist Bridge and Pylon Structure of Vishnupuri Barrage Project Dist Nanded.
Nanded - Maharashtra
Contract Value :
38.46 Lacs |Agency Name :
Water Resources Department