1059Repairs to Samajmandir building at Birole Tal -Nandgaon 2)Repairs to devi mandir Sabhagrih at Birole Tal – Nandgaon Repairs Z.P.Primary School building at Birole Tal – Nandgaon
Nasikcity - Maharashtra
Contract Value :
4.31 Lacs |Agency Name :
Rural Development Department
1060SLR to Main Building Collector Office Nashik B) SLR to Main Court Building in Premises of District Court at CBS C) SLR to Regional Sandarbh Seva Hospital at Nashik D) SLR to 350 Beded Hospital in primises of Civil Hospital at Nashik Tal.
Nasikcity - Maharashtra
Contract Value :
35.03 Lacs |Agency Name :
Public Works Department