1384Job work for operation and petty running maintenance of V.T. pumps in irrigation and Non irrigation programme at Takari Stage II to IV pump house with allied mech. and elect. Equipments.
Nasikcity - Maharashtra
Contract Value :
28.00 Lacs |Agency Name :
Water Resources Department
1386Job work for operation and petty running maintenance of V.L. Gates at Satpewadi and V.T. pumps at Takari Stage I Pump House in Irrigation and Non Irrigation programme with allied Mechanical and Electrical Equipment.
Nasikcity - Maharashtra
Contract Value :
20.90 Lacs |Agency Name :
Water Resources Department
1388Operation and Running Maintenance in Irrigation and Non Irrigation period of V.T. pumps and and motors...at Old Gavan and Extended Gavan, Nagewadi , Vajrachounde and Banewadi LIS pump house and repair and maintenance of Mhaisal stage 1 to 5 LIS.
Nasikcity - Maharashtra
Contract Value :
36.19 Lacs |Agency Name :
Water Resources Department
1390Operation and Running Maintenance in Irrigation and Non Irrigation period of V.T. pumps and H.T. motors...at Mhaisal LIS Pump House Stage III, IV and V.
Nasikcity - Maharashtra
Contract Value :
43.23 Lacs |Agency Name :
Water Resources Department