1773Improvement to Dist. Border Nandurbar to Nimgul Daul Mandane Brahmane Ranjane Virdel Road MDR-16 km.0/00 to 1/00, 4/200 to 6/200, 9/500 to 10/00, 11/00 to 13/00, 15/900 to 16/200, 18/400 to 21/800, 27/00 to 30/500 (Sec. Daul to Ranjane) Tal.Shindkhed
Nasikcity - Maharashtra
Contract Value :
1.09 Crore |Agency Name :
Public Works Department
1775Transportation of V10K2K SILO Tank from IOCL Nashik to District Headquarters of AH Departments in the state of Andhra Pradesh and Vizag as per tender terms and conditions
Nasikcity - Maharashtra
Contract Value :
4.78 Lacs |Agency Name :
Indian Oil Corporation Limited