You have searched for nasikcity-maharashtra- in Awarded Tender Result. Click on any tender to view further details.

181 Construction Chain Link Fencing to School Building At Pimpalgaon (wa.) Tal.Deola Dist.Nashik
TRN : 852222 |  Nasikcity - Maharashtra
Contract Value : 6.99 Lacs | Agency Name : Village Panchayat
Tender award for construction chain link fencing to school building at pimpalgaon (wa.) tal.deola dist.nashik
182 Construction of 14 va Vitta Ayog Development Three Work At Shrirampur Tal.Deola Dist.Nashik
TRN : 852223 |  Nasikcity - Maharashtra
Contract Value : 8.96 Lacs | Agency Name : Village Panchayat
Tender award for construction of 14 va vitta ayog development three work at shrirampur tal.deola dist.nashik
183 Purchasing material Cement and Steel for the development works through the G.P. During this financial year 2020-2021 At Pimpalgaon (Wa.) Tal.Deola Dist-Nashik
184 Construction of Underground Gutter at Babaji Nagar-2, Eklahare Tal.Dist. Nashik
TRN : 852225 |  Nasikcity - Maharashtra
Contract Value : 4.99 Lacs | Agency Name : Village Panchayat
Tender award for construction of underground gutter at babaji nagar-2, eklahare tal.dist. nashik
185 Purchasing material Pipe and Motor for the development works through the G.P. During this financial year 2020-2021 At Pimpalgaon (Wa.) Tal.Deola Dist-Nashik
186 Construction of Underground Gutter at Babaji Nagar-1, Eklahare Tal.Dist. Nashik
TRN : 852227 |  Nasikcity - Maharashtra
Contract Value : 4.99 Lacs | Agency Name : Village Panchayat
Tender award for construction of underground gutter at babaji nagar-1, eklahare tal.dist. nashik
187 Repair's to Saundane Deola Kalwan Surgana Waghai Road SH-22 Km.41/00 to 43/00 (Working Ch.41/400 to 43/800) Tal.Kalwan Dist.Nashik.
188 Proposed construction of roads at Jacky Nagar in P. No. 02, Panchavati div.
TRN : 852215 |  Nasikcity - Maharashtra
Contract Value : 11.98 Lacs | Agency Name : Nasik Municipal Corporation
Tender award for proposed construction of roads at jacky nagar in p. no. 02, panchavati div.
189 Proposed construction of Toilet blocks and allied repairing work at Panchavati Nandur, Mhasrul, Makhamalabad, Manur and Adgaon Smashan Bhumi in Panchavati Div.
190 Proposed Garden at Sr. No.1 and 2 Kamathwade Shivar Open Space in Prabhag No.25 New Nashik Division.
TRN : 852217 |  Nasikcity - Maharashtra
Contract Value : 13.68 Lacs | Agency Name : Nasik Municipal Corporation
Tender award for proposed garden at sr. no.1 and 2 kamathwade shivar open space in prabhag no.25 new nashik division.

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