You have searched for nasikcity-maharashtra- in Awarded Tender Result. Click on any tender to view further details.

2211 Supplying erecting and terminating XLPE armoured Cable 3.5 Core and 70 Sq. mm Aluminium conductor with Supplying and Laying rigid steel conduit 16 SWG 32 mm. dia with necessary accessories in R.C.D. Work at Chilhewadi Dam Dist. Pune
2212 Repairs to Sliding Type gate 0.9 x 0.9 MTr. Screw Stem Hoist Qty. 1 No.. at M.I. Tank Varkute under Nimgaon Irrigation Sub-Dn. Nimgaon
2213 Supply of Canister Assembly for BA1.5 Cryocan as per tender specifications.
TRN : 595214 |  Nasikcity - Maharashtra
Contract Value : 68.0 Thousand | Agency Name : Indian Oil Corporation Limited
Tender award for supply of canister assembly for ba1.5 cryocan as per tender specifications.
2214 Repairs to Sliding Type escape Canal Gate of Size 2020x2080 mm Qty.2 Nos. on Dimbhe Left Bank Canal Ch. No. 0.350 .
TRN : 593139 |  Nasikcity - Maharashtra
Contract Value : 4.24 Lacs | Agency Name : Water Resources Department
Tender award for repairs to sliding type escape canal gate of size 2020x2080 mm qty.2 nos. on dimbhe left bank canal ch. no. 0.350 .
2215 Repairs to Sliding Type gate 0.9 x 0.9 MTr. Screw Stem Hoist Qty. 1 No.. at M.I. Tank Varkute under Nimgaon Irrigation Sub-Dn. Nimgaon
2216 Repairs to Sliding Type escape Canal Gate of Size 2020x2080 mm Qty.2 Nos. on Dimbhe Left Bank Canal Ch. No. 0.350 .
TRN : 593145 |  Nasikcity - Maharashtra
Contract Value : 4.24 Lacs | Agency Name : Water Resources Department
Tender award for repairs to sliding type escape canal gate of size 2020x2080 mm qty.2 nos. on dimbhe left bank canal ch. no. 0.350 .
2217 Repairs to Sliding Type escape Canal Gate of Size 2020x2080 mm Qty.2 Nos. on Dimbhe Left Bank Canal Ch. No. 0.350 .
TRN : 592940 |  Nasikcity - Maharashtra
Contract Value : 4.24 Lacs | Agency Name : Water Resources Department
Tender award for repairs to sliding type escape canal gate of size 2020x2080 mm qty.2 nos. on dimbhe left bank canal ch. no. 0.350 .
2218 Providing A Frame for Gate and Hoist for Repair Gates and its alignment and Providing and Supplying under Water Diving service to be done for Inspecting and removing Material in its Slot and Conduit for M.I. Tank Pabhare Tal. Mhasala
2219 Repairs to Sliding Type escape Canal Gate of Size 2020x2080 mm Qty.2 Nos. on Dimbhe Left Bank Canal Ch. No. 0.350 .
TRN : 592941 |  Nasikcity - Maharashtra
Contract Value : 4.24 Lacs | Agency Name : Water Resources Department
Tender award for repairs to sliding type escape canal gate of size 2020x2080 mm qty.2 nos. on dimbhe left bank canal ch. no. 0.350 .
2220 Repairs to 0.3 x 0.3 MTR. Sliding Type Outlet Gate Qty. 22 No. on Nir Left Bank Canal Belwadi Distrobutaries D.Y. No. 42 Km. 113
TRN : 593153 |  Nasikcity - Maharashtra
Contract Value : 4.16 Lacs | Agency Name : Water Resources Department
Tender award for repairs to 0.3 x 0.3 mtr. sliding type outlet gate qty. 22 no. on nir left bank canal belwadi distrobutaries d.y. no. 42 km. 113

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