You have searched for nasikcity-maharashtra- in Awarded Tender Result. Click on any tender to view further details.

311 Proposed construction of RCC storm water gutter at Bawiskar Jwellers to Datta Mandir in P. No. 29, New Nashik Div.
TRN : 842503 |  Nasikcity - Maharashtra
Contract Value : 10.99 Lacs | Agency Name : Municipal Corporation
Tender award for proposed construction of rcc storm water gutter at bawiskar jwellers to datta mandir in p. no. 29, new nashik div.
312 Construction of compound wall and chainlink fencing in S.No.2A/2B NMC open space at Chunchale Shiwar, Sanjiv Nagar P. No.26, Satpur Div.
313 Repairing and Renovation of Crematorium at Pimpalgaon Bahula Satpur Div. Nashik
TRN : 842505 |  Nasikcity - Maharashtra
Contract Value : 29.61 Lacs | Agency Name : Nasik Municipal Corporation
Tender award for repairing and renovation of crematorium at pimpalgaon bahula satpur div. nashik
314 Providing lowering and laying RCC Pipe Under ground Storm Water line at Vidyavikas Circle to Vise Chowk Godavari River (Paricha Baug) Gangapur Road in P. No. 7, Nashik West Division, NMC, Nashik
315 Purchasing material for the development works through the Group Gram Panchayat Office Malgaon (khu.) during this financial year 2020-2021 At SAraledigar Tal.Kalwan Dist-Nashik
316 Purchasing material for the development works through the Group Gram Panchayat Office Malgaon (khu.) during this financial year 2020-2021 At Malgaon (khu.) Tal.Kalwan Dist-Nashik
317 Supplying and Errecting Electrical and Garden Equipment,Other Material Maintaining for financial Year2020-2021 for Developments works at Grampanchayat Ravalaji Tal.Kalwan Dist Nashik
318 Supplying Material Purchasing for financial Years 2020-2021 for Developments works at G.P. Avhati Tal.Satana Dist.NAshik
319 Construction of 14 va Vitta Ayog Paver Block Development Work at Tisgaon Tal.Deola Dist.Nashik
TRN : 842511 |  Nasikcity - Maharashtra
Contract Value : 5.98 Lacs | Agency Name : Village Panchayat
Tender award for construction of 14 va vitta ayog paver block development work at tisgaon tal.deola dist.nashik
320 Providing and Fixing Precast Inter-Locking Cement Concrete Paving Blocks in Adiwasi Vasti At Sarswatiwadi Tal.Deola Dist.Nashik

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