668DEOLA WATER SUPPLY SCHEME, DIST. NASHIK (Under Maharashtra Suvarna Jayanti Nagarotthan Mahabhiyan ) Taluka- Deola, Dist. - Nashik
Approach Channel L=150m, Jack well (6 m dia, Depth=10.50m ) with Over Head pump House (6m x 6m x 5.0 m), Approach Bund L= 120 m, Raw Water Rising Main 250 mm DI L = 400 M, Raw Water Pumping Machinery 25 HP submersible Pump, WTP Unconventional 3 MLD, Pure Water Gravity Main DI K-7 150 to 250 mm diameter L = 6685 m ,Construction ESR at Indira Nagar 2 Lakh Liter, Distribution System HDPE 110 mm to 250 mm L=28740 m, Chain link Fencing, Solar system, Running the scheme for three months etc.
Nasikcity - Maharashtra
Contract Value :
8.05 Crore |Agency Name :
Department Of Municipal Administration