You have searched for nasikcity-maharashtra- in Awarded Tender Result. Click on any tender to view further details.

761 Construction of Constructing Samajmandir At Balhegaon,Tal-Yeola, Nashik.
TRN : 764764 |  Nasikcity - Maharashtra
Contract Value : 6.99 Lacs | Agency Name : Village Panchayat
Tender award for construction of constructing samajmandir at balhegaon,tal-yeola, nashik.
762 Constructing of Cement Concrete Road In Dalit Wasti Premises At Balhegaon
TRN : 764765 |  Nasikcity - Maharashtra
Contract Value : 9.74 Lacs | Agency Name : Village Panchayat
Tender award for constructing of cement concrete road in dalit wasti premises at balhegaon
763 Providing of 10 Passangers Lift (G Plus 2) 1 No. and E.I. work for Court Building at Malegaon, Dist. Nashik. E.No.E.No.0032 of 2019-20.
764 Providing Solar Water Heater System, Inverter, Water Cooler, Fire extenguisher and L.A. at B.C. Boys Hostel of Social Justice Department at Malegaon, Dist. Nashik. E.No.0388 of 2019-20.
765 Providing HTOH Line and DTC 63 KVA for Electrical Supply to Govt. Grain Godown at Talegaon, Tal. Trimbakeshwar, Dist. Nashik. E.No.0676 of 2019-20.
766 Providing EI in the Newly Constructed Grain Godown No. 2 at Nilgavan, Tal. Malegaon, Dist. Nashik. E.No.0654 of 2019-20.
TRN : 764177 |  Nasikcity - Maharashtra
Contract Value : 5.78 Lacs | Agency Name : Public Works Department
Tender award for providing ei in the newly constructed grain godown no. 2 at nilgavan, tal. malegaon, dist. nashik. of 2019-20.
767 Drinage Line At Dharngaon Vir In Dalit wasti
TRN : 763647 |  Nasikcity - Maharashtra
Contract Value : 3.3 Thousand | Agency Name : Village Panchayat
Tender award for drinage line at dharngaon vir in dalit wasti
768 Strengthening of Wakla Jategaon Bolthan Rohile Road MDR 92 Km 0/00 to 13/160 Tal Nandgaon (working ch Km 2/500 to 5/500 and 10/00 to 13/160) Dist Nashik
769 Constructing Of Cement Concrete Road At Lakhani V.P. Sule Tal.Kalwan Dist.Nashik
TRN : 763648 |  Nasikcity - Maharashtra
Contract Value : 2.99 Lacs | Agency Name : Village Panchayat
Tender award for constructing of cement concrete road at lakhani v.p. sule tal.kalwan dist.nashik
770 Improvement to MSH-2 to Deshmane Manori Mukhed Mahalkheda Nimgaonmadh Nathegaon to MSH-8 Road Km 0/100 to 2/400, 3/700 to 10/200, 18/600 to 22/300 Tal Yeola Dist Nashik

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