You have searched for nawanshahar-punjab- in Awarded Tender Result. Click on any tender to view further details.

81 Estimate for construction of park in teacher colony ward no 18 nawanshahr
TRN : 578592 |  Nawanshahar - Punjab
Contract Value : 13.92 Lacs | Agency Name : Municipal Council
Tender award for estimate for construction of park in teacher colony ward no 18 nawanshahr
82 Const. of street from Nayyar to sharma cloth house gali no 1 AND branch street near Ramsharan ashram teacher colony in ward no 18 Nawanshahr
83 const. of different interlocking tile streets in ward no 18 (Advocate sareen wali gali AND adjoining streets) teacher colony Nawanshahr
84 Const. of Interlocking Tile street from Chaman singh to Banga Road Including Branch street situated in 14 Nawanshahr
85 Const. of Interlocking Tile street in focal from Sanjeev Kumar H/O Satish Kumar Including Branch Streets in 14 Nawanshahr
86 Const. of Interlocking Tile street from shops of Ram Lal AND Nagina Singh to H/o Surinder Pal at Rahon Road, 11 Nawanshahr.
87 Estimate from P/L Storm Pipe Line from Banga Road to Gujarpur Road from Sujit Singh to Mohinder Singh W.No. 1 Nawanshahr
88 Const. of Interlocking Tile Street Shankar Ladies Tailor and Boutique To Railway Crossing , Backside Sugar Mill , ward No. 14 and 18 and 19 , Nawanshahr.
89 Const. of Interlocking Tile Street Shankar Ladies Tailor and Boutique To Railway Crossing , Backside Sugar Mill , ward No. 14 and 18 and 19 , Nawanshahr.
TRN : 575713 |  Nawanshahar - Punjab
Contract Value : 1.63 Crore | Agency Name : Department Of Cooperation
Tender award for sale of molasses

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