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7141 A/R and M/O to various roads under PWD Division South West Road-I during 2018-19. SH- Supply of Material for Day to Day Maintenance Works of Roads Under Sub Division V.
7142 A/R and M/O to various Road under PWD Division South West Road-I during 2018-19. SH- Painting of Kerb Stone and Railing at Various Roads Under Sub Division-I.
7143 A/R and M/O to various Road under PWD Division South West Road-I during 2018-19. SH- Painting of Kerb Stones, Toe Wall, Railings and Crash Barrier Under Sub Division-V.
7144 A/R and M/O to various roads under Sub Division-I of Division South Road-II, PWD during 2018-19 (SH_ Providing and operation of water tankers with required labour and T and P for washing of kerb stone, Crash barrier, footpath, Road Signages etc.).
7145 A/R and M/O to various Road under PWD Division South West Road-I during 2018-19. SH- Painting of Kerb Stone, M.S. Railing, Crash Barriers, Planter Walls Under Sub Division-IV.
7146 STATE WISE SUPPLY OF CITY COMPOST per FCO Standards in 50 Kg Packing
TRN : 514225 |  New Delhi - Delhi
Contract Value : 3.11 Crore | Agency Name : Madras Fertilizers Limited
Tender award for state wise supply of city compost per fco standards in 50 kg packing
7147 A/R and M/O to various Road under PWD Division South West Road-I during 2018-19. SH- Painting of Kerb Stone, M.S Railing etc. Under Sub Division-III.
7148 A/R and M/O to various Road under PWD Division South West Road-I during 2018-19. SH- Painting of Kerb Stones and Railing at Various Roads (Sec-I and II) Under Sub Division-II.
7149 Category_1
TRN : 514080 |  New Delhi - Delhi
Contract Value : 4.33 Lacs | Agency Name : Ministry Of Defence
Tender award for category_1
7150 Category_1
TRN : 514081 |  New Delhi - Delhi
Contract Value : 5.02 Lacs | Agency Name : Ministry Of Defence
Tender award for category_1

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