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821 Providing One (01) No. 2WD MnM Scorpio S3 or equivalent vehicle of model not earlier than Mar-20 for Mainline Maintenance activities under WRPL Kot Jurisdiction
822 Providing 01 No. 2WD non AC Mahindra Bolero POWER PLUS SLX ABS or any other equivalent vehicle of Model Jan-20 or later for Night patrolling of Mainline ROW under WRPL Rajola jurisdiction
823 Purchase of Major Service Kit for H714 HGV-74C, MRPX (MAKE-TETRA PAK)
TRN : 820640 |  New Delhi - Delhi
Contract Value : 6.41 Lacs | Agency Name : Delhi Milk Scheme
Tender award for purchase of major service kit for h714 hgv-74c, mrpx (make-tetra pak)
824 Annual Repair and Maintenance Of to various Roads under Sub-Division -I of Division South Road-II, PWD during 2019-20. (SH:- Providing AMC of office Equipment in Circle South, Division South Road-II, Sub Division-I, II, III & IV).
825 Annual Maintenance Contract for ICPCVD System for One Year
TRN : 826628 |  New Delhi - Delhi
Contract Value : 12.39 Lacs | Agency Name : Defence Research And Development Organisation
Tender award for annual maintenance contract for icpcvd system for one year
826 A/R and M/O to various roads under PWD Division South West Road-I during 2019-20. SH- Providing of Maintenance Van For Maintenance of Roads Under Sub Division-I
827 Comprehensive audit of 91 Escalators of Schindler make installed over Line-1(49 Nos.), Line-2 (01No.), Line-3 (40 Nos.) and Line-8 (01 No.)
828 A/R and M/O to various roads under PWD Division South West Road-I during 2019-20. SH- Supply of Material For Day to Day maintenance Under Sub Division-I.
829 fabrication of masks
TRN : 826633 |  New Delhi - Delhi
Contract Value : 37.13 Lacs | Agency Name : Defence Research And Development Organisation
Tender award for fabrication of masks
830 Comprehensive Annual Maintenance Contract of 15 nos. of Rapiscan make XBIS Machines of DMRC for Five years
TRN : 820642 |  New Delhi - Delhi
Contract Value : 1.33 Crore | Agency Name : Delhi Metro Rail Corporation Limited
Tender award for comprehensive annual maintenance contract of 15 nos. of rapiscan make xbis machines of dmrc for five years

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