You have searched for nilambur-kerala- in Awarded Tender Result. Click on any tender to view further details.

41 SLTF 2018-19 Stripped BT and BT patch works to Edakkara - Amarambalam - Vaniyambalam road Km 8/00 to 15/500 in Nilambur LAC.
42 Installation of solar fencing (fencing 3 line) 2.40 Km around Iruttukuthy Colony
TRN : 674626 |  Nilambur - Kerala
Contract Value : 3.45 Lacs | Agency Name : Forest Department
Tender award for installation of solar fencing (fencing 3 line) 2.40 km around iruttukuthy colony
43 Construction of an Elephant proof Trench around Irulkunnu OP Building
TRN : 674627 |  Nilambur - Kerala
Contract Value : 1.42 Lacs | Agency Name : Forest Department
Tender award for construction of an elephant proof trench around irulkunnu op building
44 Renovation works to ND-A7 Staff Quarters in Aruvacode Staff Quarter Compound
TRN : 674644 |  Nilambur - Kerala
Contract Value : 4.98 Lacs | Agency Name : Forest Department
Tender award for renovation works to nd-a7 staff quarters in aruvacode staff quarter compound
45 Renovation of Research Range Office Building
TRN : 674645 |  Nilambur - Kerala
Contract Value : 3.09 Lacs | Agency Name : Forest Department
Tender award for renovation of research range office building
46 Construction of Compound Wall at Poochakuth area in Valluvasseri Section under Nilambur Range during 2019-20
47 Installation of solar fencing (fencing 3 line) 1.00 Km from Melekunippala to Millumpadi
TRN : 668161 |  Nilambur - Kerala
Contract Value : 1.71 Lacs | Agency Name : Forest Department
Tender award for installation of solar fencing (fencing 3 line) 1.00 km from melekunippala to millumpadi
48 11 kV Feeder from Pongallur to Thottinakkara under Electrical section, Mampad
TRN : 658731 |  Nilambur - Kerala
Contract Value : 6.52 Lacs | Agency Name : Kerala State Electricity Board
Tender award for 11 kv feeder from pongallur to thottinakkara under electrical section, mampad
49 SLTF Work 2018-19- Reconstruction of damaged Culvert (4.00m span) at km b/w km 49/000- 49/100 of Perumpilavu - Nilambur road
50 II year maintenance of 2018 TP Chathampurai in Nilambur Range during 2019-20
TRN : 649248 |  Nilambur - Kerala
Contract Value : 3.11 Lacs | Agency Name : Forest Department
Tender award for ii year maintenance of 2018 tp chathampurai in nilambur range during 2019-20

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