You have searched for noida-uttar-pradesh- in Awarded Tender Result. Click on any tender to view further details.

321 Supply of Packaged Drinking Water Services at DGH Office, OIDB Bhawan, Sec-73, Noida for a period of two years.
TRN : 644165 |  Noida - Uttar Pradesh
Contract Value : 16.39 Lacs | Agency Name : Directorate General Of Hydrocarbons
Tender award for supply of packaged drinking water services at dgh office, oidb bhawan, sec-73, noida for a period of two years.
322 Printing of NIO and other documents for OALP ROUND-II and III DGH Office
TRN : 644167 |  Noida - Uttar Pradesh
Contract Value : 4.75 Lacs | Agency Name : Directorate General Of Hydrocarbons
Tender award for printing of nio and other documents for oalp round-ii and iii dgh office
TRN : 644262 |  Noida - Uttar Pradesh
Contract Value : 1.77 Lacs | Agency Name : Military Engineer Services
Tender award for servicing & maintenance of summer appliances at different sectors under age(i)coast guard noida
324 Procurement of API 6D Twin Seal Plug Valves
TRN : 631571 |  Noida - Uttar Pradesh
Contract Value : 2.09 Crore | Agency Name : Indian Oil Corporation Limited
Tender award for procurement of api 6d twin seal plug valves
325 Provision of LED Street light for Lamba Line officers quarter, Junglighat staff quarter and Deep Bhawan, Port Blair
TRN : 631171 |  Noida - Uttar Pradesh
Contract Value : 3.76 Lacs | Agency Name : Department Of Lighthouses And Lightships
Tender award for provision of led street light for lamba line officers quarter, junglighat staff quarter and deep bhawan, port blair
326 Supply of ISM Card and Refrigerant Gas 134a
TRN : 633040 |  Noida - Uttar Pradesh
Contract Value : 2.62 Lacs | Agency Name : National Institute Of Biologicals
Tender award for supply of ism card and refrigerant gas 134a
327 Design, Engineering, manufacturing, procurement of materials and bought out components, assembly at shop, testing at manufacturer's works, inspection by TPIA, packing, supply of the DEMIN WATER UNLOADING PUMP (P-05) including supply of all Mandatory Spares & commissioning spares, Special tools and tackles, all auxiliaries & documentation as per the enclosed Tender standard specifications, job specification, data sheets etc. and other codes and standards attached or referred as per Material Requisition on FOT point of despatch for Indigenous bidders FOR : HYDROGEN – ENRICHED CNG at IOCL's site -RAJGHAT BUS DEPOT 1, NEW DELHI, INDIA ( Consignee- Technip Fabrication yard, Dahej, Gujarat)
328 Design, Engineering, manufacturing, procurement of materials and bought out components, assembly at shop, testing at manufacturer's works, inspection by TPIA, packing, supply of the HEAT EXCHANGERS including supply of all Mandatory Spares & commissioning spares, Special tools and tackles, all auxiliaries & documentation as per the enclosed Tender standard specifications, job specification, data sheets etc. and other codes and standards attached or referred as per Material Requisition on FOT point of despatch for Indigenous bidders FOR : HYDROGEN – ENRICHED CNG at IOCL's site -RAJGHAT BUS DEPOT 1, NEW DELHI, INDIA ( Consignee- Technip Fabrication yard, Dahej, Gujarat
329 Design, Engineering, manufacturing, procurement of materials and bought out components, assembly at shop, testing at manufacturer's works, inspection by TPIA, packing, supply of the AIR COOLERS including supply of all Mandatory Spares & commissioning spares, Special tools and tackles, all auxiliaries & documentation as per the enclosed Tender standard specifications, job specification, data sheets etc. and other codes and standards attached or referred as per Material Requisition on FOT point of despatch for Indigenous bidders FOR : HYDROGEN – ENRICHED CNG at IOCL's site -RAJGHAT BUS DEPOT 1, NEW DELHI, INDIA ( Consignee- Technip Fabrication yard, Dahej, Gujarat)]
330 Design, Engineering, manufacturing, procurement of materials and bought out components, assembly at shop, testing at manufacturer's works, inspection by TPIA, packing, supply of the INTERNALS OF VESSEL AND COLUMN including supply of all Mandatory Spares & commissioning spares, Special tools and tackles, all auxiliaries & documentation as per the enclosed Tender standard specifications, job specification, data sheets etc. and other codes and standards attached or referred as per Material Requisition on FOT point of despatch for Indigenous bidders FOR : HYDROGEN – ENRICHED CNG at IOCL's site -RAJGHAT BUS DEPOT 1, NEW DELHI, INDIA ( Consignee- Technip Fabrication yard, Dahej, Gujarat)=

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