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291 Sinking of 125mm x 50mm dia 300mtr deep tube well fitted with Indian Mark – II Pump with PVC pipe and strainer and construction of 1(One) no community based water purification plant for removal of Arsenic and Iron in drinking water in front of playground of Media High School, mouza - Media, Jl No. - 28, Dag no - 1822, Kh No-- in Nayabastia Milani GP under Baduria Panchayat Samiti (2nd Call)
292 Sinking of 125mm x 50mm dia 300mtr deep tube well fitted with Indian Mark – II Pump with PVC pipe and strainer and construction of 1(One) no community based water purification plant for removal of Arsenic and Iron in drinking water in front of Kankrasunti Charpara Milan Masjid, mouza - Kankrasunti, Jl No. - 29, Dag no - -, Kh No-- in Nayabastia Milani GP under Baduria Panchayat Samiti
293 Sinking of 125mm x 50mm dia 300mtr deep tube well fitted with Indian Mark – II Pump with PVC pipe and strainer and construction of 1(One) no community based water purification plant for removal of Arsenic and Iron in drinking water in front of the hosue of Bapi Mondal, Atghara, mouza - Atghara, Jl No. - 41, Dag no - 975, Kh No-1523 in Jashaikati Atghara GP under Baduria Panchayat Samiti (2nd Call)
294 Sinking of 125mm x 50mm dia 300mtr deep tube well fitted with Indian Mark – II Pump with PVC pipe and strainer and construction of 1(One) no community based water purification plant for removal of Arsenic and Iron in drinking water in front of the house of Arsab, Sannia, mouza - Sannia, Jl No. - 35, Dag no - 794, Kh No-59/1 in Jashaikati Atghara GP under Baduria Panchayat Samiti
295 Sinking of 125mm x 50mm dia 300mtr deep tube well fitted with Indian Mark – II Pump with PVC pipe and strainer and construction of 1(One) no community based water purification plant for removal of Arsenic and Iron in drinking water beside the field of Jashaikati Bedepota Idgah, mouza - Jashaikati, Jl No. - 42, Dag no - 4094, Kh No-2839 in Jashaikati Atghara GP under Baduria Panchayat Samiti (2nd Call)
296 Sinking of 125mm x 50mm dia 300mtr deep tube well fitted with Indian Mark – II Pump with PVC pipe and strainer and construction of 1(One) no community based water purification plant for removal of Arsenic and Iron in drinking water at Jagannathpur FP School, mouza - Jagannathpur, Jl No. - -, Dag no - -, Kh No-- in Jagannathpur GP under Baduria Panchayat Samiti (2nd Call)
297 Sinking of 125mm x 50mm dia 300mtr deep tube well fitted with Indian Mark – II Pump with PVC pipe and strainer and construction of 1(One) no community based water purification plant for removal of Arsenic and Iron in drinking water in front of Elahi Milan Masjid, mouza - Pingleshwar, Jl No. - 51, Dag no - 954, Kh No-0 in Jadurhati Uttar GP under Baduria Panchayat Samiti (2nd Call)
298 Sinking of 125mm x 50mm dia 300mtr deep tube well fitted with Indian Mark – II Pump with PVC pipe and strainer and construction of 1(One) no community based water purification plant for removal of Arsenic and Iron in drinking water in front of Mamudpur Sporting Club, mouza - Mamudpur, Jl No. - 50, Dag no - 505, Kh No-624 in Jadurhati Uttar GP under Baduria Panchayat Samiti
299 Sinking of 125mm x 50mm dia 300mtr deep tube well fitted with Indian Mark – II Pump with PVC pipe and strainer and construction of 1(One) no community based water purification plant for removal of Arsenic and Iron in drinking water in front of the house of Khairul Alam Baidya, mouza - Shrirampur, Jl No. - 63, Dag no - 738, Kh No-941 in Jadurhati Uttar GP under Baduria Panchayat Samiti
300 Sinking of 125mm x 50mm dia 300mtr deep tube well fitted with Indian Mark – II Pump with PVC pipe and strainer and construction of 1(One) no community based water purification plant for removal of Arsenic and Iron in drinking water at Rajberia Paschimpara ICDS School, mouza - Rajbaria, Jl No. - 59, Dag no - -, Kh No-- in Jadurhati Dakshin GP under Baduria Panchayat Samiti (2nd Call)

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