You have searched for padampur-orissa- in Awarded Tender Result. Click on any tender to view further details.

21 Improvement to Nangal kata MIP At Badigoan Village In Badigoan G. P. of Bhatli Block of Bargarh District. Under Improvement to Tanks and MIPs Scheme.
22 Improvement such as widening and strengthening to Padampur-Loisingha via Gaislate road (ODR) from 0/000 Km to 10/000 Km in the district of Baragarh under State Plan.
23 Periodical maintenance of 5years completed PMGSY Road works , such as renewal coat with laying SDBC, panell concrete pavement, pothole repair etc. for the year 2018-19,R.W. Division Padampur-Group-V, No of roads-3.
24 Improvement to Natural Drain from Ghulipali to Old Zeera Bridge of Baragarh Town in Baragarh Block of Baragarh District Under Drainage Improvement Scheme for the Year 2018-19
25 Periodical maintenance of 5years completed PMGSY Road works , such as renewal coat with laying SDBC, panell concrete pavement, pothole repair etc. for the year 2018-19,R.W. Division Padampur-Group-IV, No of roads-3.
26 Periodical maintenance of 5years completed PMGSY Road works , such as renewal coat with laying SDBC, panell concrete pavement, pothole repair etc. for the year 2018-19,R.W. Division Padampur-Group-IV, No of roads-3.
27 Construction of Padampuri to Suwakot Motor Road Under PMGSY Stage-I, Phase XV and PBMC of 2 Years.
TRN : 540650 |  Padampur - Orissa
Contract Value : 328 | Agency Name : Panchayat Raj Engineering Department
Tender award for construction of padampuri to suwakot motor road under pmgsy stage-i, phase xv and pbmc of 2 years.
28 Construction of Padampuri to Suwakot Motor Road Under PMGSY Stage-I, Phase XV and PBMC of 2 Years.
TRN : 540651 |  Padampur - Orissa
Contract Value : 328 | Agency Name : Panchayat Raj Engineering Department
Tender award for construction of padampuri to suwakot motor road under pmgsy stage-i, phase xv and pbmc of 2 years.
29 Improvement to R.D road from SH-3 at Melchhamunda-Guderpali via Belmunda from Ch-3/300 km to 5/400 km for 2018-19
TRN : 533137 |  Padampur - Orissa
Contract Value : 37.94 Lacs | Agency Name : Rural Works Department
Tender award for improvement to r.d road from sh-3 at melchhamunda-guderpali via belmunda from ch-3/300 km to 5/400 km for 2018-19
30 Construction of RCC Boxcell of 6.00 X 2.00 Mtr two span at Ch-0/840 km of Guthurla to R.D Road for 2018-19
TRN : 533138 |  Padampur - Orissa
Contract Value : 37.93 Lacs | Agency Name : Rural Works Department
Tender award for construction of rcc boxcell of 6.00 x 2.00 mtr two span at ch-0/840 km of guthurla to r.d road for 2018-19

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