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1621 KLGD BP 2018-19 Maavilakulamp Ponnarampallam SC Colony Side Protection -II Stage - Vadavannur Gramapanchayat P No.177
1622 Budget work 2017-18-Providing BM and BC to Nellaya-Mapattukara road km 0/000-2/500 in Shornur LAC in Palakkad district
TRN : 576072 |  Palakkad - Kerala
Contract Value : 2.62 Crore | Agency Name : Public Works Department
Tender award for budget work 2017-18-providing bm and bc to nellaya-mapattukara road km 0/000-2/500 in shornur lac in palakkad district
1623 Flood Damages-2018-CPP-TMS-Urgent rectification works to Pothady branch canal between chainage1/460km and 1/711km of Thembaramadaku system
1624 GPS-1 Urgent Rectification of poonthonichalla branch canal (Meenkara Dam) b/w ch 0 km and Tail end.
TRN : 597192 |  Palakkad - Kerala
Contract Value : 18.68 Lacs | Agency Name : Department Of Irrigation
Tender award for gps-1 urgent rectification of poonthonichalla branch canal (meenkara dam) b/w ch 0 km and tail end.
1625 Renovation and modernisation of canals under chitturpuzha project -MLBC- Rectification works to Edayankulambu branch canal extension No. 1 between Ch - 0/000 KM and 0/300 KM
1626 LAC-ADF(2016-2017) Construction of comfort station cum Village office at Koppam Palakkad Dist.
TRN : 575594 |  Palakkad - Kerala
Contract Value : 76.87 Lacs | Agency Name : Public Works Department
Tender award for lac-adf(2016-2017) construction of comfort station cum village office at koppam palakkad dist.
1627 Renovation and Modernization of canals under Chitturpuzha Project - Rectification works to Pothady branch canal between Ch0/800KM and 0/985KM
1628 Dist Pt Pkd 2018 19 Plastic Recycling Unit at Parakulam in Anakkara GP Project No 154
TRN : 575622 |  Palakkad - Kerala
Contract Value : 19.32 Lacs | Agency Name : District Panchayat
Tender award for dist pt pkd 2018 19 plastic recycling unit at parakulam in anakkara gp project no 154
1629 Renovation and Modernization of Canals under Chitturpuzha Project - MLIS - Rectification works to Karupputhuraikadu Branch Canal between Ch. 0/000 KM and 0/140 KM
1630 Dist Pt PKD Construction of Snehaveedu at Koppam (Abhayam) in Pattambi Block Proj No 155
TRN : 575623 |  Palakkad - Kerala
Contract Value : 17.60 Lacs | Agency Name : District Panchayat
Tender award for dist pt pkd construction of snehaveedu at koppam (abhayam) in pattambi block proj no 155

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