You have searched for palakkad-kerala- in Awarded Tender Result. Click on any tender to view further details.

TRN : 548834 |  Palakkad - Kerala
Contract Value : 1.95 Lacs | Agency Name : District Panchayat
Tender award for koorkkapparambu padam road concreting
1842 RCC work near weigh-bridge for maintaining slope of its ramp at Tawa-I mine of Pathakhera Area
TRN : 549969 |  Palakkad - Kerala
Contract Value : 18.53 Lacs | Agency Name : Western Coalfields Limited
Tender award for rcc work near weigh-bridge for maintaining slope of its ramp at tawa-i mine of pathakhera area
TRN : 548835 |  Palakkad - Kerala
Contract Value : 2.26 Lacs | Agency Name : District Panchayat
Tender award for kalayilpadi ilayampadi road concreting
1844 Dt Pt PKD 2018 19 Marathur Palli Kalladippatta Palli Parayil Road in Ongallur GP Project No 830
TRN : 548788 |  Palakkad - Kerala
Contract Value : 9.67 Lacs | Agency Name : District Panchayat
Tender award for dt pt pkd 2018 19 marathur palli kalladippatta palli parayil road in ongallur gp project no 830
1845 Dist Pt PKD 2018 19 Mundur Thanikkodu Vazhukkapara Road Maintenace in Mundur GP
TRN : 548815 |  Palakkad - Kerala
Contract Value : 10.34 Lacs | Agency Name : District Panchayat
Tender award for dist pt pkd 2018 19 mundur thanikkodu vazhukkapara road maintenace in mundur gp
1846 KLGD BP 18-19 Completion of Anganavadi at Kannamkode in Koduvayur Grama Panchayath
TRN : 548102 |  Palakkad - Kerala
Contract Value : 5.29 Lacs | Agency Name : District Panchayat
Tender award for klgd bp 18-19 completion of anganavadi at kannamkode in koduvayur grama panchayath
TRN : 548108 |  Palakkad - Kerala
Contract Value : 1.12 Lacs | Agency Name : District Panchayat
Tender award for chetiyarthodi road concreting
1848 SR - Construction of Drain at Palakkkad - Perinthalmanna road km 16/000 to 16/500 and 17/150
TRN : 548020 |  Palakkad - Kerala
Contract Value : 19.97 Lacs | Agency Name : Public Works Department
Tender award for sr - construction of drain at palakkkad - perinthalmanna road km 16/000 to 16/500 and 17/150
1849 FDR-Rectification of Road surface in between Km 1/200 to 1/400 of Mankara - Vellaroad- Keralassery road
TRN : 548021 |  Palakkad - Kerala
Contract Value : 15.98 Lacs | Agency Name : Public Works Department
Tender award for fdr-rectification of road surface in between km 1/200 to 1/400 of mankara - vellaroad- keralassery road
1850 Construction of drain and culvert in between Km 1/300 to 1/700 of Palakkad Ponnani road - Retender
TRN : 548022 |  Palakkad - Kerala
Contract Value : 26.63 Lacs | Agency Name : Public Works Department
Tender award for construction of drain and culvert in between km 1/300 to 1/700 of palakkad ponnani road - retender

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