You have searched for palakkad-kerala- in Awarded Tender Result. Click on any tender to view further details.

411 Keralassery grama pachayath 2019-20 Baby friendly Toilet in anganwadies
TRN : 783978 |  Palakkad - Kerala
Contract Value : 5.28 Lacs | Agency Name : Village Panchayat
Tender award for keralassery grama pachayath 2019-20 baby friendly toilet in anganwadies
412 Urgent Restoration Work due to Flood 2019 Repairs to Pattambi causeway in Pattambi LAC in Palakkad District
TRN : 776393 |  Palakkad - Kerala
Contract Value : 19.61 Lacs | Agency Name : Road And Bridges Development Corporation Of Kerala Limited
Tender award for urgent restoration work due to flood 2019 repairs to pattambi causeway in pattambi lac in palakkad district
413 SC Corpus Fund Pakath Cherikulambu SC colony side protection in Alanallur GP Mannarkkad Block Panchayat 2019-2020.
414 Upgrading PHC as Family Health Centre at Kannambra Palakkad
TRN : 776422 |  Palakkad - Kerala
Contract Value : 13.08 Lacs | Agency Name : Kerala State Nirmithi Kendra
Tender award for upgrading phc as family health centre at kannambra palakkad
415 Upgrading PHC as Family Health Centre at Elevanchery Palakkad
TRN : 776423 |  Palakkad - Kerala
Contract Value : 13.13 Lacs | Agency Name : Kerala State Nirmithi Kendra
Tender award for upgrading phc as family health centre at elevanchery palakkad
416 Repairs and Painting to various Bridges in Tarur and Nemmara LAC Under Palakkad Bridges Section in Palakkad District Flood Repair 2019.
417 Repairs Painting to Various Bridges In Chittur LAC under Palakkad Bridges Section in Palakkad District Flood Repair 2019.
418 Painting and other Repair works to various Bridges in mannarkkad lac of Mannarkkad Bridges Section Flood Repair 2019.
TRN : 776436 |  Palakkad - Kerala
Contract Value : 23.22 Lacs | Agency Name : Public Works Department
Tender award for painting and other repair works to various bridges in mannarkkad lac of mannarkkad bridges section flood repair 2019.
419 Transportation of Milk and Products as distribution route to various Milma dealer outlets under Palakkad Dairy, its Marketing Depots
TRN : 771312 |  Palakkad - Kerala
Contract Value : 1 | Agency Name : Kerala Co.operative Milk Marketing Federation Limited
Tender award for transportation of milk and products as distribution route to various milma dealer outlets under palakkad dairy, its marketing depots
420 Transportation of Milk and Products as distribution route to various Milma dealer outlets under Palakkad Dairy
TRN : 771313 |  Palakkad - Kerala
Contract Value : 1 | Agency Name : Kerala Co.operative Milk Marketing Federation Limited
Tender award for transportation of milk and products as distribution route to various milma dealer outlets under palakkad dairy

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