You have searched for palghar-maharashtra- in Awarded Tender Result. Click on any tender to view further details.

101 ST BT to MSH 4 to Vasgaon to MDR 13 approch road ODR 23 ch 1/500 to 2/500 VP Vasgaon Taluka Dahanu District Palghar.
TRN : 837298 |  Palghar - Maharashtra
Contract Value : 19.94 Lacs | Agency Name : Rural Development Department
Tender award for st bt to msh 4 to vasgaon to mdr 13 approch road odr 23 ch 1/500 to 2/500 vp vasgaon taluka dahanu district palghar.
102 ST BT to Chinchani Shingadepada to Kanikpada road VR 244 ch 0/00 to 0/360 and 1/100 1/500 ( VP Chinchani) Taluka Dahanu District Palghar.
103 Improvements To Tilher Mhaskarpada Road ( V.R. 215 ) Ch 0/00 to 0/250 Tal - Vasai, Dist - Palghar
TRN : 837300 |  Palghar - Maharashtra
Contract Value : 6.93 Lacs | Agency Name : Rural Development Department
Tender award for improvements to tilher mhaskarpada road ( v.r. 215 ) ch 0/00 to 0/250 tal - vasai, dist - palghar
104 Improvements to S.H.73 to Zari Amgaon to MDR.1 road (ODR.01 Km.0/00 to 1/500 ) , Tal.-Talasari. Dist.- Palghar.
TRN : 837301 |  Palghar - Maharashtra
Contract Value : 62.95 Lacs | Agency Name : Rural Development Department
Tender award for improvements to s.h.73 to zari amgaon to mdr.1 road (odr.01 km.0/00 to 1/500 ) , tal.-talasari. dist.- palghar.
105 Improvements to Kochai Savaroli Sutrakar Kurze to S.H.73 road (Km.0/00 to 0/650 and 1/400 to 2/300 ) , Tal.-Talasari. Dist.- Palghar.
106 Providing Strengthening and B.T.Surface to O.D.R.42 Dehere to Ukshipada Road (VR-221) Ch 1/00 to 3/000 Tal- Jawhar Dist-Palghar
TRN : 837303 |  Palghar - Maharashtra
Contract Value : 57.78 Lacs | Agency Name : Rural Development Department
Tender award for providing strengthening and b.t.surface to o.d.r.42 dehere to ukshipada road (vr-221) ch 1/00 to 3/000 tal- jawhar dist-palghar
107 Construction of S.H. No 73 to Velgaon Kondhan Ambhan Bandhan to Manor road Odr No. 56 , ch. 1/500 to 3/500, Tal - Palghar.
TRN : 837304 |  Palghar - Maharashtra
Contract Value : 51.49 Lacs | Agency Name : Rural Development Department
Tender award for construction of s.h. no 73 to velgaon kondhan ambhan bandhan to manor road odr no. 56 , ch. 1/500 to 3/500, tal - palghar.
108 ST and BT to Navali Varkhunti Kamare Waksai Janjaroli Makane Kapase Saphale Kandarvan To Navghar road ODR.61 , ch. 1/500 to 2/0,5/800 to 6/150, 6/600 to 6/800, Tal - Palghar.
109 ST and BT to MSH 4 to Kelwe Road station to Ponda road ODR.59 , ch. 8/00 to 14/800, Tal - Palghar.
TRN : 837306 |  Palghar - Maharashtra
Contract Value : 59.76 Lacs | Agency Name : Rural Development Department
Tender award for st and bt to msh 4 to kelwe road station to ponda road odr.59 , ch. 8/00 to 14/800, tal - palghar.
110 Construction of M.D.R.No 39 to Akeghan to N.H.No 8 Road (Village .- Wada khadkona ) O.D .R.No 55 Tal - Palghar Ch 3/500 to Ch 4/500
TRN : 837307 |  Palghar - Maharashtra
Contract Value : 58.94 Lacs | Agency Name : Rural Development Department
Tender award for construction of 39 to akeghan to 8 road (village .- wada khadkona ) o.d 55 tal - palghar ch 3/500 to ch 4/500

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