You have searched for palghar-maharashtra- in Awarded Tender Result. Click on any tender to view further details.

281 S.T.B.T.To Bhopoli Main Road to Well K.J.Jogani Vedgepada Dhavale Hospital Road Tal- Vikramgad Dist-Palghar
TRN : 762932 |  Palghar - Maharashtra
Contract Value : 4.99 Lacs | Agency Name : Rural Development Department
Tender award for bhopoli main road to well k.j.jogani vedgepada dhavale hospital road tal- vikramgad dist-palghar
282 Construction of cement concrete road for Hanuman mandir At Sayde Badalpada Tal. Mokhada Dist Palghar
TRN : 763073 |  Palghar - Maharashtra
Contract Value : 9.89 Lacs | Agency Name : Rural Development Department
Tender award for construction of cement concrete road for hanuman mandir at sayde badalpada tal. mokhada dist palghar
283 Repairs to School Building building at Murabe, Taluka - Palghar
TRN : 762923 |  Palghar - Maharashtra
Contract Value : 10.88 Lacs | Agency Name : Rural Development Department
Tender award for repairs to school building building at murabe, taluka - palghar
284 Repairs to School Building building at Murabe, Taluka - Palghar
TRN : 763089 |  Palghar - Maharashtra
Contract Value : 10.88 Lacs | Agency Name : Rural Development Department
Tender award for repairs to school building building at murabe, taluka - palghar
285 Extension of Tahashildar Office at Palghar Tal-
TRN : 716718 |  Palghar - Maharashtra
Contract Value : 65.73 Lacs | Agency Name : Public Works Department
Tender award for extension of tahashildar office at palghar tal-
286 Construction of Anti Sea Erosion bund at Tarapur, Tal. Palghar
TRN : 712180 |  Palghar - Maharashtra
Contract Value : 84.69 Lacs | Agency Name : Harbour Engineering Department
Tender award for construction of anti sea erosion bund at tarapur, tal. palghar
287 Construction of Anti Sea Erosion bund at Tarapur, Tal.
TRN : 712181 |  Palghar - Maharashtra
Contract Value : 84.69 Lacs | Agency Name : Harbour Engineering Department
Tender award for construction of anti sea erosion bund at tarapur, tal.
288 On-Line Chemical treatment of CW- system of 2x 500 MW units of DSTPS. Note:Please enter the total value for all materials/tasks ( As per your price bid in Zip file including cost of withdrawl, if any and GST) in column No.13 (Coloured cell) below in figure and will be evaluted for determination of L1 bidder after REVERSE AUCTION.Otherwise your bid will not be considered for further evaluation. You have to mention % of GST in green colour cell which is included in your total price
289 Rapair to Kurlod Botoshi Shelampada road ch.7/00 to 9/00TalMokhada Dist Palghar.
TRN : 763074 |  Palghar - Maharashtra
Contract Value : 7.94 Lacs | Agency Name : Rural Development Department
Tender award for rapair to kurlod botoshi shelampada road ch.7/00 to 9/00talmokhada dist palghar.
290 Rapair to Kurlod Botoshi Shelampada road ch.7/00 to 9/00TalMokhada Dist Palghar
TRN : 762908 |  Palghar - Maharashtra
Contract Value : 7.94 Lacs | Agency Name : Rural Development Department
Tender award for rapair to kurlod botoshi shelampada road ch.7/00 to 9/00talmokhada dist palghar

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