45Drilling of 3 Nos and Providing and fixing of 3 Nos pumping machinery by Pvt RRRig Method in village Banjar Ka Nangla Village Siha and Nangla Mohmadpur Village Gulawad and Bhaindoli
Palwal - Haryana
Contract Value :
7.37 Lacs |Agency Name :
Public Health Engineering Department
47Sunder Nagar (Nangla Village Sondhad)-Aug. W/S Scheme Distt. Palwal “Preparation of bid document for up-gradation of existing W/S Scheme & Providing Sewerage facilities in various villages Distt. Palwal under Mahagram Yojna and all other works contingent thereto.Rs. 5.40 Lakhs
Palwal - Haryana
Contract Value :
6.84 Lacs |Agency Name :
Public Health Engineering Department
50Design Engineering Supply Fabrication Erection Construction of PEB PRE ENGINEERED BUILDING sheds warehouses along with the associated allied Civil Structural Electrical and Mechanical works at IOCL LBP Asaoti Dist Palwal Haryana
Palwal - Haryana
Contract Value :
26.69 Crore |Agency Name :
Indian Oil Corporation Limited