You have searched for panchkula-haryana- in Awarded Tender Result. Click on any tender to view further details.

381 Providing and installation of one No Tubewell in place of failure tubewell and Laying of 6 inch id DI Raising main at village Kawalgarh Tehsil Ratia
382 Repainting of 132KV Bay equipment’s ,33KV Bay equipment’s Isolator, MOM Box, Yard Light box,MK’s ,132/33KV, 20/25MVA T/F T-3 & 132/11KV, 10/16MVA T/F T-2 at 132KV S/Stn. Rajound & 132/33KV , 20/25MVA T/F T-4, 33KV Bays & 33/11KV Capacitor bays equipments at 132KV S/Stn. HVPNL Pai F.y 2019-20 "
383 Providing and Fixing PP Chemical Dosing pumps, UPVC pipe and Fittings along with Electrical control Panel at CETP at I.E.KUNDLI
TRN : 727380 |  Panchkula - Haryana
Contract Value : 4.59 Lacs | Agency Name : Haryana State Industrial And Infrastructure Development Corporation Limited
Tender award for providing and fixing pp chemical dosing pumps, upvc pipe and fittings along with electrical control panel at cetp at i.e.kundli
384 Providing and Fixing of Helical Geared motors, Agitators, Ph Controllers and base frames at CETP Phase IV at I.E.KUNDLI
TRN : 727381 |  Panchkula - Haryana
Contract Value : 4.60 Lacs | Agency Name : Haryana State Industrial And Infrastructure Development Corporation Limited
Tender award for providing and fixing of helical geared motors, agitators, ph controllers and base frames at cetp phase iv at i.e.kundli
385 Providing and Fixing of SINTEX storage tanks at CETP, I.E., Phase IV, at I.E.KUNDLI
TRN : 727382 |  Panchkula - Haryana
Contract Value : 3.64 Lacs | Agency Name : Haryana State Industrial And Infrastructure Development Corporation Limited
Tender award for providing and fixing of sintex storage tanks at cetp, i.e., phase iv, at i.e.kundli
386 Door to door collection of garbage in Phase-II at Industrial Estate, Rai
TRN : 727385 |  Panchkula - Haryana
Contract Value : 4.83 Lacs | Agency Name : Haryana State Industrial And Infrastructure Development Corporation Limited
Tender award for door to door collection of garbage in phase-ii at industrial estate, rai
387 sale of damaged wheat
TRN : 727387 |  Panchkula - Haryana
Contract Value : 11.68 Lacs | Agency Name : Hafed
Tender award for sale of damaged wheat
388 Cleaning of Sludge/ muddy water of Primary Settling Tankby dewatering at CETP, Phase-IV, Kundli
TRN : 727388 |  Panchkula - Haryana
Contract Value : 4.49 Lacs | Agency Name : Haryana State Industrial And Infrastructure Development Corporation Limited
Tender award for cleaning of sludge/ muddy water of primary settling tankby dewatering at cetp, phase-iv, kundli
389 Repairing of Primary Setting Tank Mechanism at CETP, Phase-IV, Kundli
TRN : 727389 |  Panchkula - Haryana
Contract Value : 4.80 Lacs | Agency Name : Haryana State Industrial And Infrastructure Development Corporation Limited
Tender award for repairing of primary setting tank mechanism at cetp, phase-iv, kundli
390 Providing and laying 80mm thick IPBs in various street in Karan Vihar Colony ward no. 6, Gharaunda.
TRN : 727367 |  Panchkula - Haryana
Contract Value : 64.07 Lacs | Agency Name : Municipal Corporation
Tender award for providing and laying 80mm thick ipbs in various street in karan vihar colony ward no. 6, gharaunda.

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