You have searched for panchkula-haryana- in Awarded Tender Result. Click on any tender to view further details.

471 Construction of streets with interlocking paver block 80mm thick (ISI Mark alongwith 15 to 20 percent colored tiles) in various places near Rambagh road at Tipra ward No. 3
472 Supply Various Type of Stationery Items
TRN : 716101 |  Panchkula - Haryana
Contract Value : 29.18 Lacs | Agency Name : Printing And Stationery Departement
Tender award for supply various type of stationery items
473 Construction of RCC NP2 pipe Channel30 mtr Raw Water Intake Sump Well Silt Catch pit hodi Pump Chamber boundary wall laying, jointing cutting of 6 id DI pipe Rising Main Sluice valve erection and commissioning of pumping machinery Electrical mechan
474 Supply of 3 No. Water Tanker for Gram Panchayat Jhiri, Mattar and Surtia and all other works contingent thereto
TRN : 711833 |  Panchkula - Haryana
Contract Value : 2.70 Lacs | Agency Name : Public Health Engineering Department
Tender award for supply of 3 no. water tanker for gram panchayat jhiri, mattar and surtia and all other works contingent thereto
475 Providing 1no. 40/50MVA 132/33KV T/F (Hot) , a fire wall and allied Civil Works at 132 KV S/Stn.
TRN : 719071 |  Panchkula - Haryana
Contract Value : 12.75 Lacs | Agency Name : Haryana Vidyut Prasaran Nigam Limited
Tender award for providing 1no. 40/50mva 132/33kv t/f (hot) , a fire wall and allied civil works at 132 kv s/stn.
476 Bhaindoli Improvement of Water Supply Scheme
TRN : 716130 |  Panchkula - Haryana
Contract Value : 21.97 Lacs | Agency Name : Public Health Engineering Department
Tender award for bhaindoli improvement of water supply scheme
477 construction of BS for Govt Building of ITI WS Surewala
TRN : 716133 |  Panchkula - Haryana
Contract Value : 11.99 Lacs | Agency Name : Public Health Engineering Department
Tender award for construction of bs for govt building of iti ws surewala
478 Providing Independent water works in Village Bhanderi Tehsil Gohana Distt. Sonipat- Const. of partly boundary wall, CC path and head works pipeline and all other works contingent thereto.
479 Providing CCTV Cameras for Monitoring on Saraswati Tirth during Saraswati Mahotsav
TRN : 714357 |  Panchkula - Haryana
Contract Value : 19.4 Thousand | Agency Name : Municipal Corporation
Tender award for providing cctv cameras for monitoring on saraswati tirth during saraswati mahotsav
480 Providing Tantage System on Saraswati Tirth during Saraswati Mahotsav
TRN : 715581 |  Panchkula - Haryana
Contract Value : 11.21 Lacs | Agency Name : Municipal Corporation
Tender award for providing tantage system on saraswati tirth during saraswati mahotsav

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