663RC Estimate for Prov and installation of 1 No. Deep Twell in Vill. Jawahra TehSIL Gohana Distt. Sonipat (Under Rural Aug. Prog) Const of 1 No. Pump Chamber 10 ft x 12 ft., rising main from proposed Twell to existing pipeline in Vill. Jawahra
Panchkula - Haryana
Contract Value :
3.09 Lacs |Agency Name :
Public Health Engineering Department
669Construction of road from Uperli Chowki to Nichli Chowki ward No. 7, Panchkula including the cost of RCC box type 2 Nos. culverts, 7 Nos. HUM Pipe culvert, RCC retaining wall, b/Masonry, protection wall complete in all respect.
Panchkula - Haryana
Contract Value :
5.60 Crore |Agency Name :
Municipal Corporation