You have searched for panipat-haryana- in Awarded Tender Result. Click on any tender to view further details.

2441 Running Upkeeping of Window ACs Split ACs CACs DACs and Water Coolers at Panipat Refinery and PRPC Township
TRN : 532534 |  Panipat - Haryana
Contract Value : 1.33 Crore | Agency Name : Indian Oil Corporation Limited
Tender award for running upkeeping of window acs split acs cacs dacs and water coolers at panipat refinery and prpc township
2442 Repair and Maintenance of Civil Works in Administration Complex Area of Panipat Refinery
TRN : 532535 |  Panipat - Haryana
Contract Value : 81.69 Lacs | Agency Name : Indian Oil Corporation Limited
Tender award for repair and maintenance of civil works in administration complex area of panipat refinery
2443 Preparation of Computer Based Engineering Drawings in Engineering Services Department at Panipat Refinery
TRN : 532536 |  Panipat - Haryana
Contract Value : 73.08 Lacs | Agency Name : Indian Oil Corporation Limited
Tender award for preparation of computer based engineering drawings in engineering services department at panipat refinery
2444 Civil works to facilitate Bioremediation of residual sludge at Raw Water Area and Shifting of Bioremediated material to low lying pockets at Refinery and Petrochemical Complex.
2445 Providing Transformers
TRN : 532538 |  Panipat - Haryana
Contract Value : 37.10 Lacs | Agency Name : Indian Oil Corporation Limited
Tender award for providing transformers
2446 Providing of Internal Corrosion Monitoring system
TRN : 532539 |  Panipat - Haryana
Contract Value : 39.84 Lacs | Agency Name : Indian Oil Corporation Limited
Tender award for providing of internal corrosion monitoring system
2447 Providing LT Panel
TRN : 532540 |  Panipat - Haryana
Contract Value : 10.90 Lacs | Agency Name : Indian Oil Corporation Limited
Tender award for providing lt panel
2448 Providing LT Cable
TRN : 532541 |  Panipat - Haryana
Contract Value : 53.71 Lacs | Agency Name : Indian Oil Corporation Limited
Tender award for providing lt cable
2449 Providing HT Panel
TRN : 532542 |  Panipat - Haryana
Contract Value : 21.60 Lacs | Agency Name : Indian Oil Corporation Limited
Tender award for providing ht panel
2450 Supply of 10 nos. of 150W FLP LED Lights and SEITC of 15 nos. of FLP Switch cum Sockets/Welding Receptacles for WRPL Mundra
TRN : 531813 |  Panipat - Haryana
Contract Value : 2.68 Lacs | Agency Name : Indian Oil Corporation Limited
Tender award for supply of 10 nos. of 150w flp led lights and seitc of 15 nos. of flp switch cum sockets/welding receptacles for wrpl mundra

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