You have searched for parasia-madhya-pradesh- in Awarded Tender Result. Click on any tender to view further details.

21 Repairing of one no Brake System in Front and Rear Axle of LHD
TRN : 526563 |  Parasia - Madhya Pradesh
Contract Value : 3.78 Lacs | Agency Name : Western Coalfields Limited
Tender award for repairing of one no brake system in front and rear axle of lhd
22 White Washing with Lime and Stone Dusting of Underground Roadway Main Incline Seam I B plus C IIIB and VA Seam at Mathani Underground Mine of Pench Area
23 Contractual Roof Bolting and full column grouting of roof bolts with cement capsules in Seam IV at Naheriya Underground Mine of Pench Area
24 Construction of 23 Nos full Isolation Stoppings by RCC for proposed depillaring panels in Seam II at Naheriya Underground Mine of Pench Area
25 Dismantling Excavation Grouting Transportation Installation of Pony Belt at various site of I B plus C IIIB and VA Seam at Mathani Underground Mine of Pench Area
26 Drilling of vertical hole and full column grouting of roof bolts with cement capsules for development panels in Seam IV and Seam V at Naheriya Underground Mine of Pench Area
27 Periodical Electrical and E and M Items Shifting at underground to underground at Mahadeopuri Underground Mine of Pench Area
TRN : 505233 |  Parasia - Madhya Pradesh
Contract Value : 19.28 Lacs | Agency Name : Western Coalfields Limited
Tender award for periodical electrical and e and m items shifting at underground to underground at mahadeopuri underground mine of pench area

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