You have searched for parbhani-maharashtra- in Awarded Tender Result. Click on any tender to view further details.

491 Construction of Sabhagrah For Satwai Tanda at, SAWANGI BHAMBLE Tq.JINTUR, Dist.Parbhani (Under Vasantrao Nike Tanda Vasti Sudhar Yojana, 2018-19)
492 Construction of Internal Cement Concrete Road and Drain at,BORWAND BK. Tq.PARBHANI, Dist.PARBHANI (Under Vasantrao Nike Tanda Vasti Sudhar Yojana, 2018-19
493 Construction of Internal Coment Concrete Road and Drain at, BORWAND BK. Tq.PARBHANI, Dist. PARBHANI (Under Vasantrao Nike Tanda Vasti Sudhar Yojana, 2018-19)
494 Construction of Paver Block Road and Coment Concrete Drain In Dr.Babasaheb Ambedkar Nagar at,UKHALAD Tq.PARBHANI, Dist.PARBHANI (Under Dalit Vasti Sudhar Yojana, 2019-20)
495 Development and Beautification for Primary Health Centre at village Waghala, Tq. Pathri, Dist. Parbhani. (Under D.P.D.C., Fund 2019-20).
496 Construction of C.C.Drain and Paver Block from Yendge to Khilare in W.No.04
TRN : 733097 |  Parbhani - Maharashtra
Contract Value : 12.95 Lacs | Agency Name : Municipal Corporation
Tender award for construction of c.c.drain and paver block from yendge to khilare in
497 Construction of Paver Block from Gauli to Waghmare in W.No15.Arogaya Nagar
TRN : 733098 |  Parbhani - Maharashtra
Contract Value : 12.90 Lacs | Agency Name : Municipal Corporation
Tender award for construction of paver block from gauli to waghmare in w.no15.arogaya nagar
498 Construction of Paver Block from Mule to Tawde Floor mill in W.No.04
TRN : 733099 |  Parbhani - Maharashtra
Contract Value : 14.20 Lacs | Agency Name : Municipal Corporation
Tender award for construction of paver block from mule to tawde floor mill in
499 Construction of Anganwadi Building at villageShindetakli. Tq. Selu Dist. Parbhani. (Under D.P.D.C. Fund 2019-2020).
500 Survey, Investigation and Preparation of Drawing on Auto CAD of Bridges in Submergence of Dhalegaon High Level Barrage Tq. Pathri
TRN : 729289 |  Parbhani - Maharashtra
Contract Value : 3.88 Lacs | Agency Name : Minor Irrigation Department
Tender award for survey, investigation and preparation of drawing on auto cad of bridges in submergence of dhalegaon high level barrage tq. pathri

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