172Providing and Laying of 60mm thick interlocking tiles in street no. 4, near Nanaksar Kutia in Guru Nanak Nagar, Tripuri Patiala ward no. 11 E.Cost Rs. 2.11lacs
Patiala - Punjab
Contract Value :
1.75 Lacs |Agency Name :
Municipal Corporation
177Clearance of booty, weed, Jala and Sarkanda, slush, obstructions etc. from the bed & sides slopes of Jhambowali Choe in between RD 17900-62250 and Momian Drain in between RD 0-30000 and Kalbanoo Drain in between RD 0-58000before the flood season of 2020 to save nearby Abadies & Agriculturable land .
Patiala - Punjab
Contract Value :
32.33 Lacs |Agency Name :
Water Resources Department
178Clearance of booty, weed, Jala and Sarkanda,slush , obstructions from the bed & sides slopes of Jacob Drain in between RD 0-47960 and Jhambowali Choe in between RD 236000-310000 before the flood season of 2020 to save nearby Abadies & Agriculturable land
Patiala - Punjab
Contract Value :
30.74 Lacs |Agency Name :
Water Resources Department
179Clearance of booty, weed, Jala and Sarkanda, obstructions from the bed & sides slopes of Sirhind Choein between RD 419130-483000 and Ditch Drain in between RD 0-17270 before the flood season of 2020 to save nearby Abadies & Agriculturable land.
Name of Work
Patiala - Punjab
Contract Value :
27.82 Lacs |Agency Name :
Water Resources Department