You have searched for pattamundai-orissa- in Awarded Tender Result. Click on any tender to view further details.

1 Construction of Cremation Shed at Chundhia in ward no -19
TRN : 823245 |  Pattamundai - Orissa
Contract Value : 3.40 Lacs | Agency Name : Municipality
Tender award for construction of cremation shed at chundhia in ward no -19
2 Construction of 6 seated Community Toilet with 2 nos Bathing room under Pattamundai Muncipality near BD Nodal school,in wardNo-3
3 Construction of 6 seated Community Toilet with 2 nos Bathing room under Pattamundai Muncipality infront of Dhoi Mallik house at Harijan Sahi,in wardNo-3
4 Construction of Road in different Branch leading from (i)Muncipality Road towards Kanduri Pradhan House (ii)Development of Road with Berm filling Road Both side leadin from Gurucharan Sethi house towards Via Nithiram and Trilochan Biswal Sethi Sahi a
5 Repair of road and G wall leading from Laxmidhar Swain house to Gopi pradhan house at Talabalipada Baladev Nagar and Bisnu Dash house towards lambadhar Jena house at sidha pattana in ward no. 07.
6 Interior beutification of Aahar kendra.
TRN : 749038 |  Pattamundai - Orissa
Contract Value : 4.25 Lacs | Agency Name : Municipality
Tender award for interior beutification of aahar kendra.
7 Construction of Boundary wall with parking place of Aahar kendra.
TRN : 749039 |  Pattamundai - Orissa
Contract Value : 17.00 Lacs | Agency Name : Municipality
Tender award for construction of boundary wall with parking place of aahar kendra.
8 Construction of R.C.C drain with cover slab leading from Sek Alijan house towards Sek Ida Khan house,in ward No. 11.
9 Construction of R.C.C drain leading from Mangala Chhak
TRN : 749041 |  Pattamundai - Orissa
Contract Value : 6.45 Lacs | Agency Name : Municipality
Tender award for construction of r.c.c drain leading from mangala chhak
10 Construction of 6 seated Community Toilet with 2 nos Bathing room under Pattamundai Muncipality at Grain Gola Chhak near Jagananth Temple,in ward No. 5

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