You have searched for phaltan-maharashtra- in Awarded Tender Result. Click on any tender to view further details.

11 Sakharwadi (S) Farm, Tal. Phaltan, Dist. Satara Padegaon Block No. -1
TRN : 776535 |  Phaltan - Maharashtra
Contract Value : 2.01 Lacs | Agency Name : State Farming Corporation Limited
Tender award for sakharwadi (s) farm, tal. phaltan, dist. satara padegaon block no. -1
12 Repairs to intake well, fixing gauge plate, repairs to embankmnt of Kurwali Kd M. I. Tank Tal. Phaltan Dist Satara
TRN : 770105 |  Phaltan - Maharashtra
Contract Value : 10.82 Lacs | Agency Name : Water Resources Department
Tender award for repairs to intake well, fixing gauge plate, repairs to embankmnt of kurwali kd m. i. tank tal. phaltan dist satara
13 Constructing Cement Concrete Lining at U/s and D/s of Road Bridge At Km.48250 of NRBC
TRN : 770106 |  Phaltan - Maharashtra
Contract Value : 7.81 Lacs | Agency Name : Water Resources Department
Tender award for constructing cement concrete lining at u/s and d/s of road bridge at km.48250 of nrbc
14 Providing Manpower for Irrigation Management Irrigation Recovery and preparation of Aakarani Takte in the Jurisdiction of Phaltan, Malshiras,Machnur and Pandharpur Sub Divisions by Private Agency
15 Maintanence of guide wall and spilway wall, EDA on tail channel,Toe drain, and other allied works of Tisangi Medium.Project. Tal- Pandharpur Dist - Solapur. Including installation of Rain Gauge station, Pan Evapometer and Gauge Plates
16 Removing syphons on main canal Brach canal and Distributaries of N R B C within the jurisdiction of Irrigation Project Investigation Sub Division No.4,Machnur (Hq.Malshiras)
17 Repairs to Phondshiras M.I. Tank Tal. Malshiras Dist. Solapur by Providing Standard Rain Gauge Stations Pan Evaporimeter fixing Gauge plate Repairs to Disturbed Pitching and bankwork
18 Repairs to Nimgaon M.I. Tank Tal.Malshiras Dist.Solapur by Providing Standard Rain Gauge Stations Pan Evaporimeter fixing Gauge plate Repairs to Disturbed Pitching etc.
19 Providing Vehicle for Irrigation management and irrigation Recovery under jurisdiction of I.P.I. Sub Division No.4 Machnur (Hq.Malshiras)
20 Manintaince and Repairs to KM NO. 125 to 149 Branch canal and Distributaries of N.R.B.C.
TRN : 770114 |  Phaltan - Maharashtra
Contract Value : 13.64 Lacs | Agency Name : Water Resources Department
Tender award for manintaince and repairs to km no. 125 to 149 branch canal and distributaries of n.r.b.c.

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